Welcome back to the public forum, Mr. President. I hope we see and hear a great deal more of you. Best of luck in your new mission of inspiring and assisting the next generations toward public service and civic discourse. We miss you!
Acting on that locally right where I live, boss. Got a good new crop of Democratic voices coming up—smart, committed, with all kinds of experience and solutions to offer. Glad to have you back on the national scene.
Every time I see him, I wanna cry again…
A man who truly honored the office.
“It is not titles that honor men, but men who honor titles.” – Niccolò Machiavelli
Compare & Contrast:
Well, I can certainly understand why the National Embarrassment’s base hates this guy - an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent man, interacting with young people and having an actual conversation with them in which he asks them what they think and LISTENING to their responses.
“Listening to understand” rather than “listening to respond”, words that should be repeated as a mantra as we continue to navigate these deeply unsettled and unsettling times.
I miss him so much…
He might as well do what he can to help the next generation. This one’s pretty much screwed. Thanks, Republicans!
Excellent quote choice. People (especially the nearly 100% who quote Machiavelli without ever having read a single word he wrote) do not understand the deep blending of morality with pragmatism that he presents.
The quoting without reading problem is also quite significant with the works of Adam Smith (an early and ardent supporter of public education and state involvement in restricting the opportunities economic elites have to fleece their fellow citizens), and the bible, which if read at all is read in a highly selective manner, and never in the original Greek, much less the scant fragments in Aramaic.
Hmmm, maybe along with listening to understand over listening to respond (or just screaming nonsense when others try to speak), we could add “no quoting without proof of reading”?
For the better. For the better.
Conservatism wants to change the world to be an upper-class playground.
"“he single most important thing I can do is to help in any way I can prepare the next generation of leadership.”
Because this one is beyond all hope…
Who also stresses the importance of acceptance, education, science, innovation, the arts, culture, and an international mindset. He is for everything that helps people.
Trump:“I wish that guy would stop stealing my ideas. I’m just trying to help the next generation, too. Because when I help them, I’m also helping myself”
Good. Now let’s get BUSY!!!
It’s hard to beat having moral, ethical and intellectual leadership in the White House. Here’s to seeing it again.
Come home, Daddy. We don’t like this baby sitter.
Good on ya’!!
Ah me, the comfortable and historic position of “too little, too late.”
Go back to work on your books.
By Andy Borowitz
Spare me the kumbaya Mr. President.
As Keith Ellison said this past weekend, "“He should have been far more out there in 2010, which was a year when we were going to be doing redistricting. He should’ve been campaigning like he was on the ballot and should have been very visible,” said the DNC deputy chair. “He’s great at getting himself elected but should’ve worked much more closely with Congress and I think in 2014 we had record low voter turnout….and I think that too really was a time when he needed to be visible and present and very engaged…he needed to raise money for state legislative races.”
Get out there and get people voting in the non-presidential elections. Without people in the state house we don’t have a farm team or a bench. You don’t have to criticize Trump to do that. If you don’t your legacy will be no better than Chester Alan Arthur’s— the greatest reform president of the 19th century whom no one remembers.