Discussion: Obama Says Globalization Contributed To Trump's Success

Obama re: Trump and Sanders:

He said both figures understood the context of economic and cultural disenfranchisement that have been a part of American life for decades.

But I’ve read on these very pages that economics had nothing to do with this election…

@chelsea530 @nowarino

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Yes, economic and cultural disenfranchisement, carlos.

Now about to get a whole lot worse.


They lost their white Christian privilege in the 1970’s and have been taking it out on ‘the other’ instead of joining forces with ‘the other.’

They still believe they are not the same as the rest of us.


“Obama Says Globalization Contributed To Trump’s Success”

No he didn’t. He didn’t blame globalization itself. In his polite, effete and indirect way, he quite clearly blamed white nationalist reactionaryism in response to globalization.


vs. your earlier posting of this tweet:

The narrative that this was a rebellion by the economically marginalized is an ennobling lie and should be stamped out immediately.

We’re making progress, Chelsea!

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“They” are us, nowarino, just as much as you are.

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You put way too much emphasis on the former. The latter was just as much of a factor, carlos.

Make America Great Again? You know, like it used to be back in the good old days when women and minorities knew their places.


“They” don’t believe you and they are culturally predispositioned not to be with the rest of us.

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The election of Trump was like the rise of populism in Germany when a mad man rose to world dominance. Hopefully journalist in this country will not be stifled from speaking up. When minorities, the old, those with disabilities, gay people, immigrants start getting treated horribly we will speak up and will stand up. This is America. We are still a welcoming country of immigrants. I don’t think that populism is the answer right or left. Resentment and fear of things changing is not the answer in my opinion. The world is continuing to change, and manufacturing as it was will not ever be the same. Free trade was never the enemy. Not welcoming immigrants to this country is dumb. The answer was always to figure out what new jobs workers can do that will stay in the US and has to be done in the US that pay good.


It looks like Obama is playing nice, but I smell rope - a - dope. He’s been up close, and I think he senses they don’t need any help in failing. Can’t do anything about it, so let it unfold and hope for the least harm. It really might be time for “give them enough rope.”

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There goes Obama comparing Sanders to Trump. The difference is that Sanders was working within a democratic tradition. Governments have used the democratic socialists’ model for decades. Trump is working within no tradition. It is poignant to see the leader of the Democrats refer to Sanders as though he might as well be an alien. (Granted, he is an independent.) An ominous sign for liberals.

I am them. I grew up there, and I worked in the factories. I went to the public schools. There are racists there, and there are socialists there, and there are feminists there and there are misogynists there. “They” are us. “They” didn’t vote for Trump; enough of “us” voted for Trump this time around. It won’t always be this way, and making “them” out like they are some sort of other species is not only ignorant, it’s a political dead end.

Obama is wrong. Economics were more important that culture; culture was just the way that economic grievances were expressed. And again: in my natal Michigan county that went for Trump this time, they had voted for Obama twice and a female Senator. So the racism and sexism doesn’t seem to be decisive in political terms.

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You got out.

Oh, Obama was wrong? In MIchigan, where his policies saved the auto industry and jobs, they rewarded him by voting for Trumpski.



Don’t forget Ohio is a large part of the auto industry…but we have been told for 6 years it was Strickland’s fault and Kasich saved the auto economy.

Yes, he saved the auto industry. But what we got out of it was a two tiered wage agreement where new hires were making half of what they were making before. Not Obama’s fault, but it wasn’t as if because we avoided disaster that there hasn’t been economic pain. And they did vote Obama back in '12, in part because they appreciated his help. But after 7 years, there were enough frustrated people that gratitude alone didn’t suffice.

And what I said of course is that Obama was wrong to give equal billing to cultural reasons for the vote. That’s just a cop out, albeit a popular one.

Oh shoot, you’re from Ohio?

Well that changes everything. Those people are ignorant, scum-sucking dork-nozzles :wink:

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I’m sure going to miss a president who can speak knowledgeably about complex problems and interrelationships