Discussion for article #234679
There are no death panels because they were all killed in the train wreck. Obviously.
Republicans are the incarnation of those Death Panels, voting repeatedly to repeal the law that saves thousands of lives every year.
Tell the whole truth, you pinko, commie, socialist, liberal, Muslim, atheist, black liberation theology, Marxist, humanist, homosexual, womanizing, feminazi! The train wreck was caused by the stand down order in Benghazi which resulted in ISIS hacking into HRC’s server, that she was using to deny conservative groups’ tax exempt status, through Healthcare.gov, which created a portal directly into the bowels of hell and damnation.
I got my bowels of hell examined–at no additional cost…Thanks, Obama!
My Gawd, that was awesome, you rightwing nutjob, you!
I’m just here to say “hi” to Chammy.
I received an email message from my Senator, Orrin Hatch, the other day about the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act. He said:
In fact, by any objective account, it is an unmitigated disaster.
I know my Senator wouldn’t lie to me, so Obama’s statements must be wrong.
Death Panels existed prior to the advent of Obamacare. They’re better known as “insurance adjusters”, those paper-pushing people without any medical training who are employed by the insurance companies to deny coverage for as many health services and/or as many claims as possible whenever possible or simply as a way to delay paying out on claims for as long as possible in the hope that heath care providers get discouraged from trying to provide potentially life-saving care.
I love when O fucks with the Rethugs
Ah, yes, colonoscopies and prostate exams AKA made up liberal procedures designed to slowly introduce innocent men into the evil grip of homosexuality. It’s all part of Obama and the liberals nefarious attempts to force us into homosexual abortions.
From what I hear from my American pals, it seems insurance companies’ first response to a request to cover expensive treatment is more often than not NO. Then the doctor uses his precious time to argue with the inurance rep, and then fill out forms showing that, indeed, the treatment IS in fact covered and/or absolutely, positively necessary. Then the doctor’s staff submit the paperwork, and if the patient is lucky, the insurance company finally says OK. So much time, money and frustration in order to fight the insurance companies is just sinful, in my book. I hope the ACA has mitigated some of this nonsense.
You mean the ominous predictions of Michele Bachmann didn’t come true??? Shocking!!!
Repubs created the ONLY DEATH PANELS…when they refused to expand Medicaid and start Exchanges…
Especially watch out for some of the adjusters that work for the Incredible Insurance Company. Unless you know your forms.
Excellent, one minor omission… remember when we were catapulting flaming kittens at blind orphans?.. that was added as a rider at the last moment. Good Health to you.
I remember reading several stories during the fight to get the ACA passed about how insurance adjusters actually got bonuses for denying coverage to patients based on technicalities. One incident that sticks in my mind is a case in which a woman was denied coverage for cancer treatment because she had failed to report being treated for acne as a teenager. Those were the death panels that were “repealed and replaced” by Obamacare.
Sooner than later.