Discussion for article #236633
Mature, sane, rational…the Great Unwinder of Republican knots.
Its also pretty harsh criticism from the President to the Iraq government. Not that I disagree, just pointing it out.
A point Obama could have made, but didn’t, is that Americans are dead set against putting troops on the ground in Iraq again.
At this point, I’m all for containing them. This means anyone from the West who wants to go in can- but they won’t be allowed out again.
I have at least one volunteer for duty here:
"As a result, nearly half of her former staffers said they wouldn’t
enlist for Fiorina 2016. One anonymous staffer went as far as to quip,
“I’d rather go to Iraq than work for Carly Fiorina again.”
that’s a pretty accurate assessment of the situation in Iraq. How fortunate we are to have somebody sane and rational in the White House rather than one of these Republican shitheads who are all too willing to pander to nutjobs and chickenhawks.
Again, President Obama showing he’s the only adult in the room.
If I recall correctly it was BUSH who made the deal to pull out Obama just followed in what BUSH’s deal was
I am so glad Obama is president instead of one of those republican asshats!
“But we can’t do it for them, and one of the central flaws I think of the decision back in 2003 was the sense that if we simply went in and deposed a dictator, or simply went in and cleared out the bad guys, that somehow peace and prosperity would automatically emerge, and that lesson we should have learned a long time ago,” he told The Atlantic.
As we’re past the halfway mark of BHO’s 2nd term–
he’s free to be less-restrained publicly regarding his detractors.
His timing has always been quite good.
I’m hoping we’ll see him skewer some high-profile RWNJs sharply enough now–
that the RNC/Fox News will have to resort to back-benchers to continue their shrill propaganda.
OHBUmmer ONce AGaIN PLAys THE Race CARD. THE inVASIOn was A GOOD IDea THEN buT not IN HINdsIGht thOUGH HIndsIGHT is NOT 20/20 and EVeryTHING was GOINg greAT in IRAq UNTIL you REMoveD the TROOPs. ISIS wasN"t creatED beCAUSe YOu’re BlacK, OHBUmmer.
I sure hope this resonates with the 2016 voters b/c if the GOP takes the WH and maintains senate and house majorities you better be ready for the Iran war drums…
I second that!!! Love this President. I am glad he came out swinging. The scum bag clown car candidates are spewing lies about Iraq and the President because the Iraq war is hanging around their necks like a 1000 pound weight and in typical fashion trying to blame Obama for their destruction of Iraq and the world with the biggest foreign policy blunder EVER
Absolutely correct. You can believe he will have both guns blazing from here on out. I cannot wait to see him at the Democratic Convention. You know he is going to bring the house down
Remember the shoe-throwing incident? That was at a press conference announcing the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that Bush signed with Maliki. According to Wikipedia: “It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. combat forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.” But, of course, this is Obama’s fault.
A point forcefully (and, obviously, ironically) made by Dick Cheney (and Powell) in '91, explaining why they stopped short of Baghdad at the end of the first war (Desert Shield). I think it was Powell who used the term “if you break it, you own it.”
That Cheney, first and foremost, would argue with equal conviction in 2002-3 that none of that rational counsel applied anymore was dizzyingly two-faced and tragic.
More like unwinder of republican Gordian knots, I think, given the flippity flop of Jeb Bush recently.
““But we can’t do it for them, and one of the central flaws I think of
the decision back in 2003 was the sense that if we simply went in and
deposed a dictator, or simply went in and cleared out the bad guys, that
somehow peace and prosperity would automatically emerge, and that
lesson we should have learned a long time ago,” he told The Atlantic.”
Assumptions are central to republican thinking. Empirical evidence is not.
Iran in 1953
We should have learned that we cannot and should not dictate what form of government another country should have. Self determination was the term as I recall.
It is easily forgotten that it took our founders 13 years from the beginning of our revolution to finally settle on our style of government. And we had the added luxury of no ongoing fighting or armed terrorist death cults, after the end of the revolution, stealing land and resources from us.