Discussion: Obama 'Ready To Sign' Boehner-Pelosi Deal To Overhaul Medicare

Discussion for article #234678

Its hard to get real excited by a typical, common sense bill being debated and hopefully passed.
The Repubs are apparently not going to go for the hidden abortion language or some other poison pill, so that a least is better but still, shouldn’t have ever been.

The common thread yet again is Nancy Pelosi, that’s the bottom line. She killed as leader and may be the only reason that Boener is clinging on to his tenuous title.

This fix is not deep brainwork, it is just the realization of years of obstruction that can no longer be used as the typical way of doing business. The Republicans wanted the majority and got it, now they have to take that responsibility seriously because it is. Braindead obstruction would do damage far beyond just hurting President Obama at this level.
The government hating Republicans are the government and as such are forced to govern. Methinks they bargained for more than they wanted to chew.

Obama and Pelosi, walking the Repubs to school.


Cutting payments to Docs is going to make it impossible for Seniors to find a doctor that will accept them as patients. Right now, if you have a Doc when you turn 65, he will likely keep you on. If you turn 65 and need to find a new Doc, it is literally impossible. This is going to keep Seniors landlocked to whereever they are living at 65. Even with the best and most expensive supplementals, Docs don’t want to take on Medicare patients.


Why is the doc fix permanent, but S-CHIP is just for two years? Cutting benefits based on income is a horrible idea. It turns Medicare into a welfare program, which means it will get the welfare stigma, and broad support will evaporate.

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It was a mistake for Obama to say he’d sign such a bill. Now the Republicans will vote it down.


De Facto Speaker Pelosi wins again, and thus America wins again

I fully expect the corrupt Republicans to sneak in an odious rider at the last minute. Fortunately, they’ve tipped their hand on the trafficking bill and won’t even get that far this time.

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Yes, like limiting access to abortion (which is ludicrous, considering many, not all, Medicare recipients are well past child-bearing age).

As Emily Litella used to say, ‘it’s always something’.

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Republicans did try to put abortion language in there. But the Democrats seem to have finally figured out that Republicans try to put that in everything. They came up with some sort of compromise which allows for abortion language that just restates the current status quo that federal funds aren’t used for abortions.

This still has miles and miles to go. slow walk mcturtle is gonna want something. you can bet on it.