I’m not just being snarky. How the hell do we let Trump have access to intelligence briefings now?
The real campaign has begun. The President will goad Drumpf all through the campaign. Drumpf won’t be able to not respond. This is going to make Drumpf’s humiliation at the White House Correspondents Dinner look tame.
Suck on that, Donnie Dicklock.
You’re fucked now.
It’s impossible now that we know he’s conspiring with a foreign enemy.
Donnie Dicklock? Oh, I like!
Ever watch TPB? It’s one of Ricky’s many favorite perjoratives.
I will watch now.
Sorry, but what did Obama do re: putting his “thumb on the scale”?
Did I miss something?
Russian media hews pretty closely to the Putin line. HRC gets the negative coverage and the warmonger label. Drumpf’s coverage is far more positive. Not hard to figure out.
@bigdaddydrj The extent, the content and even the availability have always been at the discretion of the president. It’s not a given. drumpf will show up expecting access the secrets to our intelligence, but he’ll get a cordial greeting and a cup of coffee instead. When he said at the RNC meetup “I’ll be your voice” he meant he’d be repeating everything he hears at the White House to the oligarch…
@spencersmom It’s in the category of hipster journalist phrases which include “throwing shade”, “spox” for spokesmen, and my personal favorite (snark) “Cali” for California and probably means only “he hinted.”
@alulu4youyou WaPo has been reporting on this for a few months, and in response drumpf is going to stop ordering from Amazon. Think Jeff Bezos, owner of paper.
Welcome to the big leagues, Trump. Now what was that shit about being born in Kenya?
I think that Melaria the Naked Centerfold and Flagrant Plagiarist is Tramp’s conduit to the KGB here. Her father was a high ranking Communist apparatchik in the Soviet bloc.
Nah, they won’t depend on that. They’ll have him wired.
This makes me think of that famous line from “A Man for all Seasons”: “I’d give the devil himself benefit of law”. The right wing has violated every norm of political behavior in pursuit of power to attain their goals, because they think they’re right and their opponents are not just wrong but evil. The idea that we’d not only have foreign agents meddling in a political campaign but one of the candidates not-so-tacitly approving is just an indicator of one more old-fashioned convention biting the dust.
(Yeah, the fact that their goals are evil is just icing. They believe themselves to be the good guys, but they don’t understand why there have to be limits on the ways the good guys behave.)
He can’t respond because he won’t release his taxes. His screwed five ways til Sunday.
We’re bringing out our howitzers.
Meet Howitzer Number 1.
Paging Mr. Poe.
I’m guessing Trump gets the summary of the summary of the summary. The abbreviated version, modified to ‘for dummies’ standards, with about as many details as we’d see in a kindergartner’s book report.
Because otherwise, I’m pretty sure he’s selling the info, and absolutely using the information for personal gain.
I hate to feed a troll, but you hung this one right over the plate: Move to Russia then, you moron.