Discussion: Obama Proposes Publicly Funded Community College For All Americans

Discussion for article #231825

I sincerely hope they find a way to include vocational schools in this plan, assuming it’s not already part of the President’s intent.

We will always need equipment operators, mechanics, technicians, and other good blue-collar jobs in this nation…jobs that also tend to be Union.

It’s a big part of a strong middle class.


It’s a FEMA camp! His dark materials are finally unfolding in plain view!!!

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That’s why they’ll never be included if the GOP/Teatrolls have anything to say about it. It’s partly why they were so fucking pissed about the Stimulus and all the funding it provided to fix infrastructure. Out of work construction workers can’t pay union dues.

I dunno…this is great and all, but I don’t see it materializing. Even his own alma mater will put money towards fighting it.


These institutions President Obama is suggesting should act as profession “prisms”, dividing the white light of generalized High School education into component functional colors as it passes through.

They should focus on occupation-specific curriculum, some of it industry sponsored and supported, to reassure the confused authoritarians in Congress that this plan is intended to provide educated, experienced workers for the workplace, saving those industries training and transition time, and increasing productivity.

They could also reach down into High School, all the way to about the 8th grade, and offer people with proven proclivities and interests an opportunity to focus on those professions, long before they leave HS.

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At least here in Florida, there are many ‘vocational’ type degrees and programs offered at the community colleges. High school students can also be admitted.

I love the idea and a big supporter of community colleges but I am very doubtful this will go anywhere. Maybe it will get some of the young people to vote in the next election but probably not.

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“this seems more like a talking point than a plan”

In the history of humankind, every great idea that eventually became a worthy program started as a talking point.

This seems SO familiar. “Just say NO” has become a way of life for Conservatives.

Discouraging the idea itself, based on the fact is is just an idea thus far, is the essence of Republican politics in the Tea Mob era.


Up until 1970’s and the (second) Governorship of St. Ronnie the Raygun, dating back to the 19th century, California state colleges and universities were tuition-free.
St. Ronnie used the same “Welfare Queen” (although he used the “Dirty Hippies” line) idea to gut that particular program that resulted in the most highly educated workforce in America.

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