He’s right (as usual). Particularly regarding the ambiitious part. It’s almost like a lot of people think it’s wrong for a woman to push to be successful. Which goes back to sexism.
I also think the Repubs will continue to hammer the email issue, say she’s not trustworthy amd use that as another means to undermine her presidency.
My hope is that Democrats are not caught flatfooted like they were with Obama. I remember many laughed off the claims of the birtherism, seeming to believe no truly thinking person would take it seriously. Oh boy, was that wrong.
We are in for a bumpy ride if Hillary wins the presidency. I really do hope we are prepared for the constant BS
@trumpdog “I really do hope we are prepared for the constant BS.”
Well, HRC certainly is. She’s been dealing with it for twenty-five years, and then some. I’m thinking (hoping/praying) that she’s going to be much more direct in her rebuffing that crap than Obama was. No more…um…Ms. Nicegal.
Nonsense! Clinton being president will end sexism the same way Obama being president ended racism!
Samantha Bee has been so good this election. Her segment on how Catholic hospitals which are buying up other hospitals refuse to prescribe birthcontrol or permit health-mandated abortions was scary. Hearing a Catholic bishop state that the mother’s life is not more important than the fetus’s, that sometimes both must die even when the abortion would save the mother was chilling.
temperament is just one argument that detractors hold against women. some birthers have even gone as far to argue that women aren’t even constitutionally qualified to hold office. see: epperly v obama (2012):
Lawsuit in Alaska: no blacks or women need apply… Respondent, Nancy Pelosi is a questionable member of the House of Representative for the Congress of the United States. As a Women, she has no inherent Rights of Birth to be a Citizen of the United States, but has the status of a statutory citizenship under the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. There are no provisions in the Constitution of the United States that grants Women “Political Rights” of Suffrage to hold any Political Office of the United States government.
birthers aren’t going anywhere yet …
That’s the bus driver who wants to bring capital punishment back to Alaska’s schools, right?
They’ve been using disgusting sexist tropes for 25 years against her, why stop now?
She always has been damned if she does; damned if she doesn’t. If she stayed with Bill following the revelations about his cheating, she was “abetting a sexual predator.” If she left him, she would be unfaithful, refusing to stand by her man. She was publicly advised by dozens of pundits before the debates that she needed to smile more. She did, only to hear David Frum ask, “Who told Clinton to keep smiling like she’s at her granddaughter’s birthday party?”
Samantha Bee has a great takedown on that last item at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLRN_9G3qWY
And this Jimmy Kimmel sketch with Hillary Clinton, where he “mansplains” everything to her is priceless.