Discussion: Obama On Fatal Shootings: 'We've Got A Serious Problem'

Thank you Mr. President. Secretary Clinton has also been speaking about this today. Meanwhile, where is the GOP? Holed up with rump on one side of the Capitol and playing Mr. Investigator games in the other chamber.


There is a rumor Clinton spoke privately with Obama about these shootings. I guess the House should have hearings and demand transcripts of the conversation.


Here’s the Republican plan to solve it:


These Black people are being killed as “vicarious assassinations”. The killers can’t get to our president. So they kill a Black person that they CAN kill. There are many instances of white men pointing actual weapons at police officers–not toy guns or NO guns–and not being killed. Here is one story that addresses the double standard.


GOP: Sure, take all the cameras away from Blacks to protect the 2nd amendment right of White Americans.


Even as we speak, Raw Story reports: “A white North Carolina man was arrested alive despite pointing a shotgun at passing cars and then firing a handgun at a sheriff’s deputy who tried to arrest him.”


Why isn’t him denouncing “Racist Thug Cops”? Is he secretly a cop lover?

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That is something I have been thinking for a very long time, Sidney. Thanks for expressing it so eloquently and concisely.


I am deeply troubled and frustrated that this continues and the murderers are not held accountable. When they are held accountable, this will stop. Until then, the murderers are free to kill innocent Back Americans going about their daily lives.

Two problems: racism and guns. Police are frightened, knowing the people they encounter are entitled to “exercise their Second Amendment Rights.” Of course, they - police - react for self-protection. But it seems obvious also that black and white persons stopped by police are treated differently. I don’t think we can get the racism problem dealt with until we deal with the problem of everyone presumably having a gun.


Bingo. First things first.

“All Americans should be deeply troubled by the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota,”

Alas, not all Americans are troubled by these and other shootings. That is the real problem.

See: NRA, Republican members of Congress


You are sick fuck and disgusting,

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Nothing will happen on US citizens killing other US citizens in this country until 4 things happen:

  1. Democrats get a 60 seat majority in the Senate
  2. Democrats get a majority in the House
  3. Democrats have the Presidency
  4. We figure out a way to kneecap, or maybe we should use gun terminology such as kill, the NRA’s influence on Congress.

The first 3 are fairly straight-forward, though may take some time, reducing the NRA’s influece, I have no idea how to do that.


Solution #1. Radical integration of police forces. We don’t accept all-white juries as legitimate. Mandatory black or Latino partners for all cops when interacting with the public. It won’t hurt to have white folks see more black/Latino cops, either.

Solution #2: Radical retraining. People who train police officers in how to physically restrain subjects frequently point out how little training officers actually get. Spend the money and train them as if they were working for the FBI rather than the Mayberry PD.

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Also radical retraining so that any use of force considered a mark of probable incompetence. Actually train officers to protect and serve. (Yeah, good luck, I know.)

Thanks very much, upwitoulz. There are few, if any, situations that break my heart, sicken and sadden as much as this one.