Discussion: Obama: Not Being Treated Fairly Under The Law Is American Problem, Not 'Brown Problem'

Discussion for article #230790

I disagree. I believe it’s a poor people problem and most people don’t give a shit about them.


This headline doesn’t really get at his remarks—he’s not saying that there isn’t a racial component to the issue, but that it’s an issue that should matter to all Americans regardless of race.


I’m pretty certain that most right wingers don’t see this as a 'Murican problem. Kids like Michael Brown are “thugs” while James Holmes is just a troubled boy.

Our justice system has developed multiple tiers depending on color, class and location. That’s not going to change overnight, especially when our media assigns credibility to the views of Hannity, O’Reilly, Scarborough, Jackson, Sharpton, Hucklebee and other attention seeking pundits whose views are irrelevant but at the same time inflammatory.

Difficult to have a fruit bearing discussion with these idiots flapping their gums and getting media exposure.

You know what? I have no faith that things will ever change because if they did it would be to the detriment of the fifth estate. Can’t have that now can we?

We’ve become a nation of cattle.


Careful about that headline: it looks like O is talking only about Michael Brown when he is actually speaking to everyone but the quotes and capitalization could be read otherwise.

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Thank you. The day when I hear of one of the White “patriots” in OH gunned down by police due to open carry, I’ll believe it’s an AMERICAN problem.


It’s much the same here in Orygun…white patriots with their semi-auto penis marching back and forth in front of schools and on downtown streets.

No doubt in my mind who the “thugs” are. None at all.


And Cliven Bundy still walks the earth…Amazing…


And Trayvon Martin had a hoodie. A HOODIE!


Social issue. Go up into Appalachia. Meth, oxy, and poverty. Go into the inner, low income, residential areas of cities and it’s hustling for a dollar. Multi-generational poverty all round. Little to no upward social elevation grinds folks down.


People who are viewed as weak or powerless are vulnerable to the brutality meted out by cops who have anger and violence issues. This means the poor, minorities, the sick, women, the young, the mentally challenged or mentally ill are targets for bullies who use their authority as cover for their violent impulses. Sadly this happens in many countries, but I sometimes wonder if the American psyche and its readiness to use violence as a solution means that this problem is worse than in countries like Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and France.


Yes, that too.

Yeah but that won’t happen any time to soon as we witnessed in the video posted the other day of an old white man brandishing an AK47 in a shopping center where the Police stayed away and talked to him for over an hour. Even though that is how the police should respond in most cases, it was obvious the white guy received special consideration. I am totally disgusted.

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Our president is such a fine man. Other than Jimmy Carter, I can’t recall such a fine man


Makes you wonder how the Indians ever survived the times when they were the savages and had to be put down.Then the survivors placed where the white guys thought they would be safe from them.
On another note: suicide by cop is almost a constitutional right anymore. Do the walk, wear a hoodie, carry a fake gun, walk towards a cop, look hulky etc etc, you will get shot or choked to death.
The war goes on.

The American problem is a poverty problem. Let’s solve it.

A fucking HOODIE!