Discussion: Obama Mocks Trump For Getting His Twitter Confiscated By Campaign


He needS hiS tWitter bACk. This slight On TrumP by Crooked HitlarY saveD by ComeY re- inserting FBI needS to be Avenged!!! On twitter.


Pitch perfect attack from BHO. This’ll get him to run again in 2020.


At this late date I still can’t quite believe it’s true. This 70-year-old’s own campaign staff treat him like a 5-year-old and not a very mature 5-year-old either. If Trump doesn’t lash out over this mockery it’ll be because they had several special burly medical aides wrestle him down and shoot him full of morphine. Unbelievable.


I could just see an issue of the Onion setting off His Orangeness, and he would order a Davy Crockett strike on their HQ :stuck_out_tongue:


“In the last two days, they had so little confidence in his self-control they said we are just going to take away your Twitter.”

That’s gonna leave a mark. Poor, poor Donald Duterte Amin Dada.


It amazes me that the sanity and mental fitness issue is not a larger focus than it is. And it is no joke.

The President’s power to order a nuclear strike is not subject to checks and balances or veto. Hence Americans must trust in the sound judgment of their President in what could be just minutes to decide.

In 1962, the Joint Chiefs Strategic Capabilities Plan called for the destruction of Moscow alone with 170 nukes, and the destruction of every major Soviet, Chinese and Eastern European city killing hundreds of millions. Sickened by a formal briefing on the plan, President Kennedy said “And we call ourselves the human race.”- JFK vs the Military, The Atlantic.

When U-2 spy planes discerned Soviet offensive missiles in Cuba, most of the Joint Chiefs wanted to force their removal militarily. Soviet Premier Khrushchev would likely have responded by attacking Berlin, which would have triggered a nuclear first strike in a war that the generals thought we could “win.” As one said at the time “The whole idea is to kill the bastards. At the end of the war, if there are two Americans and one Russian, we win.”

Instead, the President ordered a naval blockade of Cuba to force the Soviets to remove the missiles. Americans stayed glued to radios for days as the world teetered on the brink of destruction.

Khrushchev sent two messages a day apart, the first conciliatory, the second bellicose. An unstable or ill-tempered President might have initiated the world’s destruction. JFK guessed correctly that Khrushchev sent the second message to appeal to bellicose elements within the Soviet hierarchy, just as some generals were pressuring Kennedy to act precipitously. By ignoring the second message and replying to the first, JFK attained America’s strategic goal of removing the missile threat while averting nuclear war.

What might have Trump done in a similar situation and what would he do if a similar situation arose now?


The 2011 WH correspondents’ dinner is still not over…


So his campaign doesn’t trust him with twitter, but with the nuclear codes :confused: – God I hate these twits.


I suppose they would’ve just changed the password from fuckyoutwo to preszwannabe but still…

how come we haven’t heard anything about a mass staff firing when it happened?


The republicans really don’t have a plan. They haven’t for the better part of a decade. Which is sad, because there are some things to be said for multi-party government.


Obama mocking him. Comey turning on him. The NYT portraying him as a child. An “assasination” attempt that was anything but.

Not a good 24 hours for Donald. He may need to blow off some steam with a 3 am tweet.


I suspected this when I noticed no twitters lately from donald. his campaign is so predictable. they are hunkering down and trying to stay on message suddenly. wow. i do hope it’s too little too late. HRC2017


What I like most is the reason we all know it’s true:

No “Failing NY Times lies with fake sources” tweet to deny it!


I’ve said it before and I will certainly say it again: I love Obama in “no more fux” mode.

And he does it with such style!


We wouldn’t be here to debate it, that’s for certain.



He would have glared across the table at the Russian Ambassador with his “fierce” face, and said:

“You’re fired.”


Here’s the last tweet from Trump’s own Android, from the 3rd. The one immediately afterward is the one reported in the NYT article to have been dictated to Hope Hicks, and sounds kind of in his voice but not so obviously. All the ones after that are very clearly from his staff and relatively anodyne (compared to Trump himself, anyway).


Can you image having to guard Don 24 hours a day so he won’t tweet anymore… ick, just ick!