Discussion for article #234068
Well its a good thing CBS spent time asking him about it, its obviously the most important thing going on atm, since its such a huge scandal, on pair with Watergate and the Japanese internment.
I don’t think Americans will understand this. Maybe I’m wrong. Wish she hadn’t done it.
Because he never got an email from her or never looked at the from: header.
Do we underestimate the destructive effects of what amounts to simple dumbness?
I guess he never received an e-mail from Hillary when she was Secretary of State? Hillary has violated no laws or ethical procedures.
Trey Gowdy Doody’s reaction:
“I smell HEARINGS!!!”
"Plante then asked the president if he was “disappointed.”
“Let me just say that Hillary Clinton is and has been an outstanding public servant. She was a great secretary of state for me,” Obama said.
Circle the wagons.
Guess Biden is taking some longer looks in the mirror about now. Warren’s gotta be scratching her head.
The main reason is that this is not an issue at all.
I suspect;
- Hillary communicated with Obama by other means.
- The GOP knew from their Benghazi BamboozlePalooza Extravaganza and told Jeb to release HIS first.
-She may well have know that the government email is not secure; Wikileaks??
-They ARE transparent as she is releasing them. (As for the grumblings of; "How do we know she has release all of them’?
How would we ever know? Even if they had been on a government server? How would we know that she did not keep “private” emails??
– “Clinton said that she asked the State Department to release her emails.”
–“I want the public to see my email,” she said in a Tweet "
“The State Department will review for public release the emails provided by Secretary Clinton to the department,” (emphasis added)
This is what’s bothering me.
That material is public record and and should be available in its entirety not subject to release by the SoS.
I get it that she is within the letter of the law but I find it hard to believe that the use of a private account wasn’t a calculated move by her team taking advantage of a loophole to control the record.
No matter what is released, the question is still going to linger as to what was withheld or expurgated.
It’s damned smart and manages to walk that fine line, but still…it’s classic Clinton.
And yet the thousands of people who knew about it during her tenure, including the State Dept lawyers, never raised any issue.
Powell and Rice used official acc’ts for some official business, and private acc’ts for others. Wouldn’t that be more suspicious? Why some official and some secret? Kerry, meanwhile, is the first and so far only SoS to have all his official email on gov’t servers… because the law changed, and the rules became much clearer.
Between the GOP “hearings!” hysteria and the “now Warren will HAVE to run” on the left, the “gotta use this to bring down Hillary” meme is all that’s really going on. This is far too vague and too far from clearly “wrong” to be a genuine scandal.
Seriously, I am done with this topic. It’s all just gotten too silly. Can we maybe talk about her stand on the issues, and maybe wait until she actually announces and is campaigning?
You would think. But naturally Meet the Press went full “email-gate” this morning. For two reasons: They get to take cheap shots at both Hilary Clinton and thereby the President. Facts be damned. Chuck Todd (a 1-percenter) is just titillated this morning at this “two-fer”, especially after getting his talking points…err, questions…from his GOP buddies.
To this we may add that Obama’s remark displays his infallible instinct for presenting himself as a limp, reactive molluscoid. Jeez.
Hey, I’m not arguing with anything you said.
I’m not one of those looking to bring Hillary down, that’s Bill’s job if she doesn’t wind up doing it to herself.
The longer you stay in the public eye, the more baggage you take on and unfair as it seems, Hillary has to carry both Bill’s and her own and when she does something like this it looks just a little too “slick”.
While I don’t believe that she would have gotten where she is without him, he may just prove to be the limiting factor on whether she goes any further.
So she has to take the good with the bad just as the rest us do when dealing with the Clintons.[quote=“RationalLeft, post:11, topic:17699”]
And yet the thousands of people who knew about it during her tenure, including the State Dept lawyers, never raised any issue.
And BTW, we have no way of knowing whether this is true
Now the RWNJ’s will say he’s out of touch. Or worse.
MTP is, always, about whatever the GOP guests want to scream about. Fortunately, no one watches it anymore. If it had actual power to set national agenda, Obama would’ve been impeached years ago.
A bit harsh?
One of the big “investigative reports” the other day said the State Dept lawyers never raised objections. I believe a State Dept spokesman pointed that out.
As to the “this reminds everyone why they hate and mistrust Bill” meme so popular in the media right now… Bill is, currently, one of the most popular political figures in the country. There’s a difference between what the beltway obsesses about and what the public thinks.
This simply doesn’t have staying power. It will influence only those who hate the Clintons already.
I would take the accusation that Mrs. Clinton may be violating the spirit of the law more seriously, if there was such a thing as a secure government server, or a Republican opposition that didn’t believe government servers exist for their propaganda effort to revise history, or that there exists journalists who would objectively report facts.
The purpose of this “controversy” is to deflect liberals from the Bill O’Reilly scandal, and the fact that a major media outlet is calling itself “news”, while adhering to none of the practices of news organizations. Instead, it holds up a puppet “anchor” as Big Brother, threatening those who challenge his truth.
“Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology, where each worker may bloom, secure from the pests purveying contradictory truths.
— Apple advertisement, 1984”
I [quote=“RationalLeft, post:18, topic:17699”]
One of the big “investigative reports” the other day said the State Dept lawyers never raised objections.
I did see that but all it takes now is one person to come forward and claim the opposite.
I fund raised and voted for Bill twice and would do it again if I could and he might just win, knowing Bill because he’s just that exceptional as a politician.
Hillary is not, so she’ll inherit all the stink without the skills to play them off as her husband could.
Maybe Team Clinton can make that magic happen again.
It’s possible.
But it’s equally possible that she may suffer a political death of a thousand cuts and her campaign will be a train wreck come November.
I don’t underestimate the opposition’s playbook when it comes to Hillary.
Maybe I should add that I have also actually voted for Hillary and was active in her campaign to become my Senator.
I’m not at all anti-Hillary and I would love to give her my vote again, but I’m not willing to pretend that there won’t be problems so let’s just say that my enthusiasm is guarded.