Discussion: Obama Lays Out What He's Looking For In Nominee In SCOTUSblog Post

Discussion for article #246402

The MSM have, for them, a heavy lift. Obama is pursuing his rightful constitutional duty and doing so without guile or rancor. The Senate Republicans are acting like spoiled children, stamping their feet and holding their breath and lashing out. The difference in the approach to due diligence and duty to the nation and constitution could not be more clear. The MSM has a big decision to make:

Do we approve overtime for the false equivalence specialists?


Obama is a class act.

I’m sure that R. Maddow will be all over this – how does she stay on the air? I hope John Oliver will be on this, too. And it would be nice if John Stewart would stand up and acknowledge that there simply are no responsible voices left among the GOP Senators.


This obstruction is infuriating. I’ve watched Grassley for years and from what I can tell he’s not a totally awful human being. However he constantly appears confused as if he hasn’t gotten word as to what his message should be, and in contrast to his aw-shucks midwestern image he’s shown himself all too happy to adopt extreme rhetoric (ie “Obamacare pulls the plug on gramma” in 09) when it suits him. This won’t dislodge him from his seat, in fact I fail to see how any national republican candidate will pay any price for this whatsoever while all major networks lead stories with how this is directly equivalent to things Democrats have done. It’s not, but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to matter. Infuriating.


A man I know just spoke (uh huh) from Washington, DC.
He smiled because I did not understand.
Then he held up a SCOTUS Justice you see.
He said it was the best in all the land.

And I said no no no no,
I don’t govern no mo’.
I’m tired of taking work to the floor.
No thank you please
You go to hell and then freeze.

I bet the voters won’t show me the door.

Credit to Hoyt Axton.


Anybody who can rewrite Ringo Starr songs
on short notice is aces in my book.


This is why Hillary will have to win In November, and she will also need a Democratic majority in the Senate.

These anti-American fools (and the way they have treated our current president demonstrates that they are) have to be punished.


Huh. I just looked up “class” in my Merriam-Webster, and there was the President’s picture.

This President has forgotten more about how the Constitution works than the entire GOP ever knew.


Sounds like perfect qualifications to me.


I’m intrigued by the possibility of President Obama calling an extraordinary session:

A lot of the fantasy possibilities we throw out seem entirely out of character for this president, but I can imagine him using this one. Give the GOP a couple months to stonewall, then calling an extraordinary session for a set time – say two weeks – for the sole purpose of having the Senate hold the hearings they’re supposed to have and vote. At the very least, it shines an extremely bright light.


I agree this committee’s pledge to hold no hearings or vote is troubling. However, sometimes in a fight you have to contend with arguments or conditions defining the debate that were of your own creation. And if those factors you yourself were responsible for injecting into the issue come back to haunt you, well, sucks to be you:

“Politics has played far too large a role in the Reagan-Bush nominations to date. One can only imagine that role becoming overarching if a choice were made this year, assuming that a justice was announced tomorrow that he or she was stepping down,” Biden said on the Senate floor in June 1992, not long after Bill Clinton won the Democratic nomination to challenge then-President George H.W. Bush.

“A process that is already in doubt in the minds of many will become distrusted by all,” Biden continued. “Senate consideration of a nominee under these circumstances is not fair to the president, the nominee or to the Senate itself.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/joe-biden-supreme-court-nominee-1992-219635#ixzz415wK5DDS
Yes, partisans have rushed to dissect Biden's words. They've added caveats, pointed out differences in the calendar, observed no actual nominee was at stake at the time of the speech. But that is all "Blah, blah, blah." to voters when McConnell is citing Biden's words to justify his current decisions. You want to argue an issue, your history is getting brought to the table. Live with it.

From your lips to Bernie’s supporters. I don’t expect much from them.


He should have added “thick skin”
@steviedee111 : the only people who will listen to McConnell trying to weasel his way out of this are already Faus News jerks who aren’t going to support anything Obama does anyway.


Forget about it. It’s not going to happen. Obama’s term is effectively over. His sudden concern for his legal duties comes on the heels of ordering the Border Patrol to essentially stand down and leave our border wide open. Even when they catch migrants, the order has come down to let them go, without assigning a court date to appear, which 90% of them ignore anyway. He can spare us his sudden adherence to the rule of law.

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So true. But since the president is a Democrat and black, many of the media (cough, cough, Chuck Todd) will go the false equivalency route at best. Because to the media, overriding the Constitution is equal to being a Democrat and being black.


And we have a winner folks! Someone actually equating a Constitutional duty to “open borders”. Wow.

Clue—>Get one!


1960 Democrats passed a resolution to ban any election year nominees. They’ve blocked GOP appointments 10 times since then.


This is what I would do:

Nominate Nevada Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval (which would be the best case scenario for the GOP) and as soon as the Judicial Committee schedules a hearing, withdraw the nomination, and then nominate a centrist liberal (or whomever).

I’d like to see the Judicial Committee explain why they can’t continue to have hearings after that.


If you like your doctor you can keep him.
If you like your current plan you can keep it.
We will put the ACA online for 72 hours before a vote, so the American people can read it.
Average family insurance premium will fall by $ 2500.

Clearly your definition of class does not include honesty.

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