Discussion for article #232270
President Obama made no mention of the GOP or Republicans when he spoke of climate change. He made no partisan statements when he discussed that very important subject. He blamed no political ideology or party.
Best President EVAH!! I know repukes will never admit it and none of the emoprogs will either because there will never be anyone who can meet their expectations. I hope they enjoy living on Planet Uptopia.
Because he is the classy president we have ever had. Longlive Barack Hussein Obama to do great things long after hiis Presidency. Viva Obama!!
Obama is a smart guy. Whoever wrote this TPM tripe is not. There is no reason to drag Obama into the partisan stew when he went overboard to stay out of it. Look at the speech. The man masterfully discussed issue after issue without stepping on his opponents toes.
Obama did not make partisan pitches. The mainstream media should fabricate that claim. TPM should not.
Shorter Prez.: Cut the crap. Face reality. Act on it.
“Emoprogs”. I’m liking this word more and more. I hope it’s not trademarked because I want to use it!
wow that was a kick right in the nuts. where the hell have you been in the last 6 years prez?
Stepping on toes hasn’t been Obama’s style and it’s a tactic that does not work well when the grease that makes our system work is compromise.
There has been lack of compromise. That lack of compromise dates back to Day One of the Obama Administration – when certain people in power essentially stated that they would make it their mission in life to undermine him at every turn. Compromise and cooperation is a two-way street.
I think TPM was fine on this one. Obama did poke a stick in the eye of those weenies saying “I am not a scientist so I will do the bidding of big business” without naming names and calling them weenies.
It is one of the things he does best.
??? Anybody who’s been paying attention knows damn well that Obama was specifically referring to Republicans, and that’s exactly what he should be doing. The Republican Party is the anti-science, Jesus-rode-a-T-Rex party, and they’re proud of it. It’s well past goddamn time that the Democratic Party starts letting the rest of the country know.
And “bipartisanship” in 2015 is a unicorn anyhow. It’s a crock of shit designed to neuter and obstruct Obama and the Democratic Party’s goals and platform. To Republicans, “bipartisanship” means “do what we want, and thank us for it.”
And McConnell was one of those, “I’m not a scientist” weenies.
Check Barack out. He walks them to school, buys their books and scolds them when they ignore the teacher.
Barack Hussein Obama is the entire Republican Party’s Daddy and the overdue spankings have begun.