Discussion: Obama Just Made Israeli Settlement Boycotts Kosher

Discussion for article #238110

In a word - good.


has Michael Oren wet his pants yet trying to get an op-ed into the NYT decrying the lack of Israeli support from the Obama administration?


It always confounds me how Israel itself has declared the settlements illegal out of it’s legal apparatus, while at the same time providing material support for initiation and expansion of the selfsame settlements.

After Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination, it was Ariel Sharon’s support and a special event he held at the Temple Mount that helped spark the Second Intifada, which only accelerated the settlement process.


Great piece - thanks.


Mr. Oren has had brown wet socks…since being replaced as ambassador. Thank you Mr. President…for reversing the dubious ‘work’; of the gop bags, dual passport, and aipac interference!


I would like to think that it is these kinds of things (this and, for example, Cuba) that would make one understand why John Kerry would leave the United States Senate for the Department of State.


Thank you once again, Mr. President. And let me take this opportunity to do my customary pimping for J Street, the “pro-Israel, pro-peace” organization that’s been advocating this position. They’re the liberal counterweight to AIPAC, and have been gaining increasing visibility on the Hill (especially since Netanyahu’s speech to Congress); the more support they get, the more influence they’ll have. Which will be to the great benefit of both countries: anyone who thinks defending the settlements is in Israel’s long-term interest is delusional.


Next step: Cut of the billion$ in aid to Israel.


Perhaps a few facts would be useful here. First, very few Israeli companies (especially those with international markets) have operating facilities in the occupied territories. Second, the few that did locate there, like SodaStream, provided good jobs for Palestinians, as well as Israelis. With the boycott, Soda Stream moved its factory to Israel proper, and the Palestinian workers lost their jobs. The few remaining similarly situated companies will do the same. Beyond these facts, Mr Plitnick, I think you have way over interpreted the State Department’s position, but I hope you are happy with the comments your piece has inspired here, including advocacy of eliminating all US aid to Israel, which I am sure you also support.

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Nobody advocates eliminating all aid to Israel. But there is no getting around the fact that the Netanyahu administration supports and enforces an apartheid-like solution to the Palestinian issue, and it seems extraordinary and repugnant for our tax dollars to be directed at upholding such a status quo–although of course the Reagan administration and Israel were among the great financial supporters of the old South African regime, now that I think of it. The amount of aid to israel should be tied to the amount of progress it makes in relation to the illegal occupation and oppression of the Palestinians.


I love my President. Lame Duck My Ass


I sm a proud member of J Street


I am ashamed for my President and my country. This is wrong in so many ways. I have ofren wondered how Israel can rule a much larger and more powerful country so if you have an answer please answer.

You want to put the screws to Israel over settlements? Then cut-off all aid and go to the UN with a resolution recognizing Palestine based on the 1967 borders.


You misunderstand the story – contrary to the amendment Congress passed, Obama’s basically giving a green light to boycotts of Israeli businesses in the occupied territories. It’s a good thing, politically and ethically.


They may be kosher, but are they Pareve?



I’ve posted this link already on another thread, but I think it fits here, too. It’s about my old rabbi, the late Leonard Beerman, who never stopped working for peace and justice in Israel and the occupied territories, and for a two-state reality:

I wish it would give pause to the anything-Israel-does-is-right faction in congress when they claim to represent the view of American Jews.


Basically, Obama killed the deals with kindness.

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That story had me almost in tears. Tikkun olam: he seems to have devoted his life to it. How lucky you were to have had him as your rabbi.

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