Discussion: Obama Jokes: They Said President Jefferson Was A Muslim Too!

Good point


Or in the words of the immortal bard, R-Truth: ā€œmy badā€¦ā€

Silly, silly you DugFrmJamul. Time will pass at itsā€™ pace and when January 17, 2017 comes one of the American Greats will be free from the chains of office and you will still be burdened with your hatred.
To bad, so sad.

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Ahh rings the bell! Didnā€™t s/he have a creepy face avatar before?


Doubtful youā€™ll make it to 2017. Buh bye again Mr Hodnovitch.

Itā€™s just beej. pitiful, socially inept and always irrelevant beej.

Iā€™m surprised that heā€™s not a huge fan of Fiorina though. Trump seems a little too deep for him.


DUGā€¦ so how ya been, you old troll.

WHY am I completely unsurprised youā€™re a Trump guy?

as a matter of fact, remembering your old posts, I wonder if you ARE that Trump guy.

hope I got that in before he got banned againā€¦ i will say, DUG kept us all on top of just what the worst on the right were blogging among themselves.

Excellent link!

Looks like heā€™s two and out.

His little doggies profile page is soon to go ā€œpoofā€ also.


While I get the ā€œflip the narrativeā€ tactic that is being employed in those sorts of European settlers/Native Americans - Immigrants/Modern America comparisons, given what those European settlers ended up doing to the Native Americans I feel the point gets a little muddled. I mean modern day immigrants, despite what some on the right might claim, arenā€™t engaged in a campaign of cultural and/or actual genocide against modern day America. The same, unfortunately, canā€™t really be said about European settlers and the various Native American peoples. To me the comparison just seems to invite a ā€œYeah and look what that loose boarder policy got the Native Americansā€ style response. Iā€™ve always thought that pointing to how the same shit that is thrown at modern day immigrants was once thrown at many of those doing the throwingā€™s Irish/Italian/Hungarian/Polish/etc. ancestors would be a more accurate comparison, but maybe Iā€™m being overly navel-gazing/pearl clutching on the issue.