Discussion: Obama Jokes: They Said President Jefferson Was A Muslim Too!

But Thomas Jefferson wasn’t from Kenya.

At least I think he wasn’t. Has anyone seen his birth certificate?


I can’t say for certain, but I highly suspect President Thomas Jefferson would have liked President Barack Obama.


TeaBaggers hate Jefferson. He edited the New Testament to just the teachings and sayings of Jesus. No miracles, allowed. Jefferson has been on the outs with the RWNJs for some time now once they found that out.


As a slave or one of his children with Sally Hemmings?



And ironically they were run out of England, because there weren’t enough gallows or prisons for em.

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As an equal.


BeattyCat. If Obama was a fully white person I believe that you are correct, he would like Obama and treat him as an equal. But what I have read suggests he had a hard time overcoming skin color.


Remember, there were many reasons that the Fundamentalist Protestants were kicked out of every country in Europe and HAD to come to “The Colonies”. Intolerance of anyone “not them” was chief among them.
Those like the Pilgrims were kicked out of England, then the Dutch kicked them out, then they came here and began hanging each other for being “Witches”.
The Stupid is strong with these.


Sadly, I admit that I believe you are correct. Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite historical figures. President Barack Obama is one of my favorite contemporaries – history will be good to BHO.

I guess my original statement was meant to be taken as if Jefferson were somehow resurrected today and brought up to speed with regards to the experiment he and his fellow “founders” set in motion. I can’t help but believe he would be both proud as hell but frightened almost just as much. In so many ways, that experiment is rolling along smoothly – but in so many ways, there are so many folks who seem to wish we could somehow put a lot of the toothpaste back in the tube.


Get a job and get off my lawn Dug.


Rubio will be your nominee in case you did not realize it. I have been saying for months Trump is a “fad” who will fade. He could not even get the nut vote in Iowa.

Trump 2016? He’s moving to 2016 Park Place in Brooklyn? Wow.

More important address. Hillary 1600. That will be her new street address.

And no, I don’t like her, but she is 100 times better than your candidates.


Umm, he liked Sally Hemmings - I mean really liked her, if you catch my drift - yet he kept her as a slave. And she, unlike Obama, was only 1/4 African descent. So if I were Obama, considering his background, I´d keep as far away from Jefferson as I could. :wink:


Does this mean we’re actually a Muslim nation founded on Koranic principles??

Yup. The conspiracy goes way, way back.

They weren’t kicked out by the Dutch.

They left on account that if they stayed, their children were going to be speaking Dutch a lot better than English

Look! Little Duggy is back! Say hello Duggy–before you open your mouth a little too wide and get banned for the 15th time.


Long time troll at TPM and banned many times.

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Ahh…no. That wouldn’t have happened.

Ugghh. You again. Promise us you will come back on November 9th so we can rub your face in the fact that we will be around for another 8 years to make your lives miserable


Killed? who said anything about them being killed?