Sure, if it helps.
All Obama should say is Block Everything.
The idea of Dems going the McConnell route in a Trump presidency actually looks promising. Dems who only occasionally work with the Trump administation will certainly be replaced by Republicans who will toe the party linr every time.
As for Obama speaking up
… well all Trump’s surrogates have to do is say that voters “rejected a third Obama term”, whatever that means.
President Obama said on Sunday that while he will respect Donald Trump when he takes office, but he suggested that if Trump’s plans or actions go against certain “values” and “ideals,” he may speak up.
Waddya think the rest of us have been doing Mr President??
Maybe the day will come when this man’s unique grasp of how ideals function in the real world, his ability to engage the emotions, and the respect he’s held in will save this faltering republic, pull it back from the brink of entrenched kleptocracy, and make it worthy of self-government again the way its founders intended. And if he does that it’ll be twice he’d have saved us and well past time to put his face on money. I know that’s getting ahead of the situation but I thought I’d just get it on the record.
A very measured tone. I like that he leaves the option open to speak out - that way if he does people can’t say “he said he wouldn’t!”. Good move on his part.
As for the Democrats not doing to President Elect Pepe what they did to him and to work with PEPepe - I like that he’s being a mature statesman and this makes him look even more Christain and classy than they ever will, I disagree. I want the Democrats to give Republicans a taste of their medicine. Seemed to work very well for them to just say no.
I do wish him well. I am going to miss him and hope we see a lot of him. I think it will be just about one of the few things that will keep me sane in the next 4 years.
Sorry Mr. President, but I can’t support anyone who is the darling of white supremacists .
We’re not obligated to respect the office—note his word choice, heh heh—or the process by which it’s filled, but he feels he is, obviously. He’s like the parents who don’t approve of their child’s choice for marriage but are too classy to do anything but make sure the actual wedding runs smoothly.
Not sure he’s saying we should. I hear this more as a warning than anything. And an unprecedented one.
I figure that the only reason he is not speaking out against HO now is his position constrains him. This is not about if but when, and we know the when. That’s starting January 20, 2017.
If necessary? There’s no “if” there. When necessary, more like.
I think 2016 ran out of “unprecedented” a while ago.
“We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ~ Martin Luther King
Look guys/gals we haven’t seen a functioning Congress in almost 8 years, we need to pick our battles wisely and not reactionary. We are the side with thinkers who think and care deeply for Americans, even the loud racist drunk uncles at the holiday table.
Of course, he’ll have to register as a moslim, and foreign born at that…probably be deported…(sarcasm)
In fairness, Obama’s approval ratings are much higher than Trumps…
If he vacations outside the USA, he may not get back in, what with his being a moslim and all.
He’s occupying the office: if anyone should respect the office, it’s someone who occupied it. Respect for the office is different from respect for the incumbent, but one has to be careful about expressing that sort of thing.
The Republicans failed that test miserably: they made it quite clear they have no respect for the office unless they respect the incumbent, or unless the incumbent is a member of their party.
I viscerally react quite differently than Obama on how the Democrats should handle the Trump challenge, but then I remember that the Democrats have a whole bunch of Senate seats to protect in two years. If we believe that we can protect them better in Trump states than by employing a version of the Schumer/Obama strategy, I’d like to see that alternative strategy explained and advocated here. Because I don’t see it.
The one critical thing that I would add to this strategy is a strong out-of-the-gate legislative strategy that would have bills introduced immediately in the new Congress on critical issues, including a massive “Rebuild America Now Act”, an “All American Immigration and Citizenship Reform Act”, the “Morell Land Grant College Tuition Affordability Act”, the Social Security and Medicare Protection and Extension Act", and the “Affordable Care for All Act.” . These should be relatively short bills, written so that ordinary Americans can read and understand them. I’m sure there are other major initiatives, as well, but the best way to counter the perception that the recent Democratic campaign was all anti-Trump and no “pro-reform”, is to go strong and go long on reform right away.