Discussion: Obama Hammers Climate Change Skeptics: 'We Didn't Deny Sputnik'

Discussion for article #244593

Donald Trump would have created the classiest, most gold-plated space program ever. “Sputnik, Sputnik has no class. It’s not classy. It’s disgusting.”


Trying to get a denier to not deny that they are a denier is an exercise in futility.

That isn’t even what the Prez is going for either, I don’t believe. The Repubs livelihood depends on doing the bidding of the Kocks and other billionaire bastards and so they compromise their principles. Obama is just publicly shaming them so that the intelligent amongst will see how ridiculous they truly are and maybe, just maybe a few of their blind followers will see it to.

Basically, Republicans see and feel weather changes, and
Democrats understand and plan for climate change.

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This line made me actually laugh out loud … best GOTP zinger of the night.


Actually, my father who was in his 50’s and very conservative and saw a ‘commie’ behind every tree and identified ‘pinkos’ in the government, DID deny Sputnik.



When Obama went off on climate change deniers I bet Senator Inhofe had kittens right there on the chamber floor.

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My grandma said that when people landed on the moon it caused earthquakes.


he went outside and played in the flurries that we got here last night. he gathered four flurries into the world’s smallest snowball, laughed, and touched his nose knowingly. then he read Genesis and Exodus, stroked his rifle, and went to bed.

there are still significant numbers of literate people who deny the moon landing.

Oddly if one possesses a telescope of sufficient power you can see the tracks left by humans on the moon. I addition there is a laser reflector left on the moon by one of the astronauts as part of an experiment to measure the distance to the moon long term as it recedes from us. The Mythbusters did a program that showed a laser that reflected light off it so those who deny that we landed on the moon are in the same camp as Orly Taitz and her birther conspiracy theorists.