Discussion: Obama: GOPers Undermining Their Own Ability To Govern By Trashing Me

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Because it is much easier for the GOP to be the Party of NO, than acting like mature adults who realize compromise is the key.


Thank you, Mr. President.

How I wish he could run for another term.


I seem to remember that people wanted Bill to run for a third term.

Oh…and I wish Dems would understand that this isn’t about governing, at least for the GOP. This is about “Let Go Of My Country Or I’ll Shoot It Dead”.



In an interview with NBC’s “Today” that aired Wednesday morning, President Obama said that Republicans have hurt their ability to govern by constantly criticizing Obama and Democrats.

That assumes Republicans want to govern - which seems unlikely given the lack of inclination they’ve shown for the job, and their constant mantra that “Government is the problem.”


The lunatics are now running the asylum. Between the corporatists, the climate-change deniers and the evangelicals, they have nothing. Nothing but fear and lies. I really do hope that most voters will have the common sense to vote for the candidate and the party that really does have our best interests in mind. Above and beyond any other issues, Trump is a dangerous, petty little man who has no business being in charge of anything. The GOP has nothing to offer me.


And it sure would have changed a lot of grief and misery that ensued for the next 8 years.
Who knows Clinton might have read and reacted to that memo. “Bin Laden determined to attack in the US”


Clinton was involved in an argument with the CIA about assassinating Bin Laden long before 9/11. In fact, if the Hellfire Drone armament hadn’t been so slow, Clinton would have used them to assassinate Bin Laden. And, he wouldn’t have used the flimsy excuses that Bush did to go into Iraq even if 9/11 had happened.



He makes that suit look GOOD ! ! —


I doubt that would have mattered as far as us being attacked. It sure as hell would have mattered for our reaction. At the very least, we’d have never invaded Iraq. Of course, there would have been another round of impeachment hearings for his failure to keep America safe.


drumpf’s got the uneducated white vote. There is no common sense in that group. Just adoration for the one who shouts at people mostly those who don’t look like him, and I doubt they’re tuning into the optimistic messages at the DNC or tuning into anything approaching reality.

@sickneffintired @artemisia

If I’m not mistaken, in the last days of the Clinton administration, those folks tried to warn the incoming bushies on the serious of the threat from bin Laden, and the response was little more than thanks for sharing. The bushies wanted Middle East oil and they saw a path to it through Iraq.

@Lacuna-Synecdoche It’s become clear that the right wing doesn’t want to govern. They hate the idea of government having any role in Americans’ lives, and so they get on the government payroll in order to stop making laws. Unless it’s banning abortion, or degrading the environment or making laws focusing on toilet stalls.


There are some things they want to get passed, but it seems they’re willing to give up even those to prevent other things they don’t like from getting passed. It’s as if “win-win” and “lose-lose” had the same value for them. (It may be even worse than that – if fear and anger are their base’s motivations, then every win is actually a loss in terms of energy level.)

It’s also true that they mostly appear to have no clue about how the job of governing gets done. All the ugly stuff about making sure those laws get translated into something workable isn’t their problem.


People are fed up by politics and politicians doing nothing. If they govern they’ll get primaried by someone even more crazy than them. It’s a good job. Good benefits. Good pay. Why would you want to lose it? So they do nothing. And then people get fed up by politics and politicians for doing nothing.


Except, the GOP crowd has forsaken the type of governing that the Prez is referring to and now do some twisted form of anti-governing governing.

Some of the tactics that they’ve used for decades to win by dividing the nation have worked…for them, but the short term wins have backed them into a corner. Now, hating on the other, being against science and anything smart basically, infusing religion into everything, bombs and guns because freedom and idiotic conspiracy after ridiculous conspiracy is what they are-it’s the base-the foundation and the heart and soul of the Republican Party.
All that small government hooey has been disproven a thousand ways and there is nothing conservative about trans-vaginal probes and assault rifles.

So, President Obama is right but he’s just not talking about the now. He’s reminiscing about the Republican Party of old. That version of the GOP is dead and not walking, silenced and not talking and isn’t resting in peace.

They have nominated the dim and dimmer, Palin to Trump and fell in love with them without the slightest realization of what it means.
They don’t govern, they incite anger and hate and then represent it.


Yeah especially how they continue to get the poor an uneducated to believe that tax breaks for the wealthy is actually good for them


The poor and uneducated are worried that, if their Powerball numbers hit, they might face increased taxes.


Obama, as usual, is too nice. He also assumes that reason and logic will prevail, despite all contradictory evidence since clown Reagan and the Bush crime family.


I wish the fuck they would make this point loud and clear and on the campaign trail. Hey republicans and disaffected white democrats, the reason you’re hurting is because the republicans have been more interested in keeping me from getting things accomplished rather than pass legislation that would make your lives better. You are voting against your own self interests so instead of listening to Fox News all day look at the facts.

I am so sick of our party not telling this people what’s really going on.


At this point, the Republican party reveres American government so much they’ve decided to destroy it to save it.

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Yes and our side needs to hammer that home and not worry about offending folks,