I thought the plan was to duplicate the Mississippi Miracle™ model nationwide.
AKA Say a prayer and kiss your ass good-bye.
I hate to say it, Mr. President, but you’re wrong on this.
Donnie and his crack(head) team of advisor’s have come up with a brand spanking new healthcare mechanism called “Health Savings Accounts”, all the way back in 2003.
The scheme he has outlined is so utterly insubstantial that, depending on which think tank you ask, it would likely leave anywhere from about 15 million to 21 million fewer Americans without health insurance than there would be with the Affordable Care Act intact.
Jordan Weissmann, from this article:
GOP: Being against Him/Her is enough to win elections. Why would we have any plan? Our supporters have no expectations from us other than being against Her/BlackGuy.
Sir, if the GOPers had a plan they would have announced it 4 years ago. Instead all they have offered are failed votes to repeal the ACA (50 + times). Trump offers vouchers that can be used across state lines. That is a “replacement”??? The proper thing would be expanding medicare to everyone and add that insurance companies back that the federal government is in the end the single payer. Insurance companies are rolling in cash, why can’t they be induced to back a single payer with those excessive profits.? Example: I cover Mrs darr’s health insurance. She is 59 and so not able yet to have medicare like me. That comes to $404 a month for her. $4848/yr to cover her. Not an insignificant piece of the darr budget. Multiply that by 10’s of thousands that BlueCrossBlueShield covers nationally. And that’s but one company. Why can’t part of the profit back a single payer?
The irony is that the ACA, for the most part, started as a GOP plan, the Repubs just didn’t want Obama and the Democrats to receive credit for it!! The Repubs put party before country!!
The GOP just cannot bring themselves to accept that there are only three “solutions”:
The former status quo, where premiums skyrocketed every year, with health care costs consuming an ever-higher percentage of our GDP, and with 25% of our population either underinsured or completely uninsured.
Obamacare, which is, and always has been, the “conservative” or “market-based” solution.
Some form of government-supplied health care or health insurance, e.g., “Medicare For All.”
That’s it; that’s all you get. Anything else is just tinkering around the edges. Basically, what the Republican Party wants to return us to is option 1.
Republicans want to repeal Obamacare because ideologically they’re opposed to the idea of helping these 20 million people get health insurance.
The late, great Mike Royko (who, somewhere, is sharing a beer with Harry Caray today):
“It’s much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it’s easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.”
This YouTube video, with Chris Pine representing (Republican) Congress, is definitely appropriate for this topic.
Employer based health insurance is the world’s greatest filter for helping the insurance companies to cherry pick their clients. The industry has proven they don’t know how to make money without excluding everyone who’s too sick to work. I’d repeal Obamacare too, and replace it with single payer.
I thought the GOP plan was four words long: Get sick, die quickly.
To me the apex of hypocrisy this election was a photo of my Congresswoman at one of the local cancer centers. She is posing with a family from the district who use the cancer center because one of their kids is getting treatment for cancer. It was nice that another constituent pointed out that if Ann Wagner is reelected that child will never ever get health insurance that she could afford.
Don’t forget the other great part, you can buy across state lines. Now insurance companies from all over the country, not just your state, can reject you due to preexisting conditions! Or if you get coverage from out of state you can call across different time zones and mail back and forth across the country trying to the the fuckin’ insurance to pay up.