Discussion: Obama Gets Nostalgic For His Past Campaigns While Stumping For Clinton (VIDEO)

Fired UP!


Way too young to leave the political stage, though I know he’ll be around doing important things. In a way, he may be able to do more as an ex-President than as President.

Just glad we had him for eight years.


On the whole, are we better off than we were eight years ago? Definitely, yes! My hat is off to President Obama!


Once the GOP is finally dead and buried as a failed political party, and their elder curmudgeons finally die off, President Obama will be ranked as one of the best president’s ever.

Scandal-free, fought incredible headwinds, and raised a damn fine family at the same time.

Hat’s off to you, sir! (And Michelle, too!)


He has better approval rating than Reagan had at this point. He is not a white guy, and neither will his successor be. The KKK is at Defcom 5.


I feel sorry for the fools who got sucked into the Fox News/Talk Radio alternate reality and missed out on seeing Obama for the special person he is.


Scandal-free? Only if you count not prosecuting the banksters for their Wall Street fraud…heck, even the Bush administration put people in jail. Not Obama. He even told them that he was the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks. Heckuva job, Barry. Also, how is his kill list not a scandal? He approved the assassination of American citizens, but nothing to see here. Obama has been a terrible President. This country needed somebody that could rise to the challenges of the times. Instead, we got somebody who seems to think that the solution to every problem is better PR.

Oh how I love progressive WATBs without a clue


Get back on those meds you so desperately need!


Please stuff yourself.


Progressive? More libertarian with a touch of anarchist claiming to be a progressive. Wait…he be…

…a Paultard!


Republicans mocking soon-to-be POTUS at their 2008 Convention:

Rudy Giuliani told the convention Wednesday night, 'You have a resume from a gifted man with an Ivy League education, and he worked as — a community organizer?!”

He paused and then said, “What?” as if to express befuddlement at that job title.

A dismissive half-shrug as he said the words, “community organizer.”

Immediately the delegates on the convention floor burst into laughter and guffaws.

The GOP never even knew what hit 'em.

They probably never will.


It’s occurred to me recently that if Obama could run again, he’d most likely be reelected, and there’d be more democrats in the house and senate after the election, too. And I’ve been thinking that the law against more than two terms for a president is another way republicans have achieved voter suppression. We had a president so popular he got elected to that office four times, so the GOP, next time they got a chance, fixed it so someone as popular as FDR, or Obama, couldn’t do that any more. But let’s face it, the GOP has to do stuff like that, or their shitty party would be about out of existence by now, no matter how much money their rich sugar daddies have.


This old man always thought he was the best this country had to offer. Nothing in the last eight years has served to change that opinion. I hope someday I meet him on a golf course and have the opportunity to tell him so.




That was one hell of a speech. We’re really gonna miss him as Head of State.


@Josh: At the height of his powers?

We haven’t begun to see the height of his influence.


Wait. This is only 2 minutes long. Where’s the rest of it?

I tried to attend this rally with my 77 year young mom… the capacity was only 7000 at the arena, and there were easily 10000 in line when we got there at noon.

So, we watched the live feed. But I am so proud of the Obama journey, that we all took. And I will miss him in office so much. His closing anecdote was one I have heard many times before, but it never loses it’s magic. With the right leaders, one can feel like anything is possible. Let’s pray Hillary gets that chance to be that leader.