That’s a double-dog snap!
Well played, Mr. President, well played!
White hot MSM outrage meltdown in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . .
Nation’s first Black President (and one of its greatest three) goes on TV, provides well-deserved ass-kicking to the lickspittle morally-bankrupt Fourth Estate, makes them cry and whine.
So Obama does the media’s jobs for them, calling out the stuff that should have been called out, loudly, for the last 15 months.
It’s a crime when the President understands the media’s jobs better than they do.
Spot ON!
When it comes to the news media jouralistas, I just can’t tell anymore where the stupidity and laziness ends and the actual corruption and penchant for propaganda because they don’t want to offend potential future employers begins.
Also, good job, Mr. President.
If Obama put his mind to it he could have Trump in a permanent state of apoplexy (along with a good many of his surrogates) for the next 50 days.
“He calls himself a business guy. But America’s got a lot of businessmen and women who succeeded without hiding their tax returns or leaving a trail of lawsuits or workers who didn’t get paid, people feeling like they got cheated,” Obama said. “This guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people. This guy’s suddenly going to be your champion?”
Thaaat’s gonna leave a mark.
Which the MSM will report as “Trump forcefully hit back against . . .’ rather than “Trump has mental and emotional breakdown”.”
Wow! Tore both Trump and the spineless media, gaping new assholes…
But, then Clinton did call racists deplorable and “covered up” her diagnosis of the most dreaded disease to ever plague man kind PNEUMONIA!!!1!!
I just don’t know. They’re so similar…
Thanks, Obama.
He doesn’t do this often, but when he does it’s quietly amazing. He did it five years ago at the height of the birther craziness. It was biblical, just a killing with fire, but of course in his restrained, smart-fella way. The national adult in the national room. As opposed to the national tantrum-throwing baby in the national room. SMH
In a circle!
No doubt his tweeted retorts would include bald faced lies, lies everyone knows as lies, yet go unchallenged. You know, since it’s Clinton’s job to claim something is false, not the media’s. The media’s job is to mimic Edison’s original phonograph, playing back to listeners whatever is originally spoken into their mics. Dictation takers for Trump essentially.
And he even left out the multiple bankruptcies.
Can’t we just anoint President Obama as President for Life, and be done with it? Do we need to even have an election? Who would be against this here?
Melania Trump: That’s excellent material for my next speech. Thanks Obama.