Discussion: Obama Congratulates Netanyahu On Election In Phone Call

Discussion for article #234508

Re: Fitting alot into one paragraph…

“The President emphasized the importance the United States places on our close military, intelligence, and security cooperation with Israel, which reflects the deep and abiding partnership between both countries.”

Obama Rosetta Stone: “Laugh all the way to the PM seat, slick, but keep in mind that you are depend on us for military, intelligence and financial aid and that I AM STILL SITTING IN THE POTUS SEAT FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS.”

“The President reaffirmed the United States’ long-standing commitment to a two-state solution that results in a secure Israel alongside a sovereign and viable Palestine.”

Obama Rosetta Stone: “Your bullshit changed nothing about my positions and goals and I’m still going to pursue them. Deliberately thwart me at your own risk (see above).”

“On Iran, the President reiterated that the United States is focused on reaching a comprehensive deal with Iran that prevents Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and verifiably assures the international community of the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program.”

Obama Rosetta Stone: “Same goes for Iran. Your demagoguery got you elected in Israel, not the US, Captain Demagogue. Remember that.”


Being a dem this is hard to say, Netanyahu is a lying pos, and Obama is a chicken sh*t!

Obama shows a lot of class, as usual. It couldn’t have been easy for him after watching Netanyahu violate all ethics/protocol while giving that speech in front of Congress, then actively disavow a two-state solution while demogoging against Israeli-Arab voters. I would have had a very hard time making that call.

I wonder if Netanyahu called him after he beat Romney.


Why is Obama a chickenshit? By being big enough to make the call, he makes it harder for Bibi to evade accountability.

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Pollyanna go grow up.

Oh, OK. Thanks for that substantive response.

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Avoiding a substantive argument via childish ad hominem that attempts to call someone else childish by referring to a children’s book? I’ll give yo points for the sortof circular hypocrisy, but it’s only worth a C+. Besides, cynical pantwetting is sooooo 2013. Moreover, you’re just plain wrong. Obama just spent a phone call nicely reminding Bibi that his shenanigans meant dick, changed nothing about the US position under his Presidency and that Bibi better watch himself because Obama is the gatekeeper for all of the US’s cooperation and aid that Israel receives.


I, like you, am entitled to my opinion. In case you forgot it is freedom of speech.

Typical AP bullshit. Are Josh Lederman and Alan Fram members of Netanyahu’s PR staff? Boehner’s comments are irrelevant, as they are often are. But the AP eats his crap for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Obama shows class and Netanyahu has consistently shown he is an ass.

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The President was certainly gratuitous while making a few points. Already Netenyahu is doing a Bib walkback. There is a perverse kind-of humor in watching politicians do the two-step backstep.

President Obama is a Samurai master of cutting with slivers of warmth. No need to congratulate now with public contempt for Netanyahu’s racism and provocative fear-mongering around exercise of civil rights by Arab Israelis. America’s anger will be expressed later in adjustments to policies the President recognizes to be needed to move Israel back into the fold of international norms upon which its legitimacy as a state depends.

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What Obama has done in calling Bibi is called being diplomatic, and it’s what world leaders do even if they hate the person they’re congratulating. Bibi’s won an election but has lost on every other front. Our president on the other hand is still respected and admired in his own country.


The administration’s patience with Israel is growing thin, and perhaps if the $30 billion annually this country sends to Israel were trimmed, the prime minister might begin to see the error of his ways.

Obama was also taking fish bait from FAUX News people. A little politeness that cost him nothing.

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Hey Bibi, even though you’re a schmucky bastard and quite the right wing loon, I congratulate you on your highly suspicious win.
And btw, you keep up the diplomatic dickhead routine and I’ll cut your funds and your balls off.

Your pal as always,


“Freedom of speech” only relates to state action to limit speech. That being said, you are welcome to say all the stupid shit you want and I am free to criticize the living hell out of how stupid it is. Please proceed.