Discussion: Obama Condemns Shooting Of Two NYC Police Officers

Discussion for article #231391

When passions are so powerful that suicide murders occur, something has broken. Any military expert will tell you that is a different sort of battle, because our own soldiers, and our cops for that matter, are never so passionate that they are expected to kill themselves in the process.

This is very disconcerting, especially for the all those skin-headed authoritarians who support guns-gone-wild with their last breath.

They are not nearly so afraid of suicide shooters who are willing to die while killing rooms full of movie-goers and elementary schoolkids. If all those gun-happy crazies start copycatting copkillers, or turn their weapons on the ultra-rich or their fat-cats lobbyists, or onto NRA leaders, the gun laws will change overnight.


Good words, but he’s still going to get killed for them: “Why didn’t he say this about Ferguson? Why did he support LeBron James wearing that t-shirt? WHY DIDN’T HE & BIDEN RESIGN AFTER THE MIDTERMS AND TURN THEMSELVES IN FOR TREASON???1!!!”

…and so on.


only because your biggest concern is gun regulation… every thought is filtered through that sieve, so you can’t discern the simple facts first. You are cocked with a hair-trigger to defend gun ownership, at any other cost, so you missed the point entirely in your fanatical focus on protecting the 2nd Amendment, when you are really just protecting gun manufacturers’ rights to profit from the divisiveness that the right has foisted upon our nation via their radio and TV poison pens.


answerfrog, when a gunhead like Kidding Me hears that you want his gun dealer to obey the law, they consider it a law worthy of nullification, whether they have ever read it or not.

Ever since the early 1800’s, when the deep south slavers effectively brainwashed the poor southern whites into fighting for their slaveholding rights under the guise of “states rights” there has not been a more egregious use of thought reform than the one the NRA created when the cold war ended and all those juicy AK47’s hit the retail market.

They entrapped the mob with right wing media and then armed it in defense of guns-gone-wild.

For no other reason than those profits, regardless of what the right wing says.

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Until the hate-spewers in right wing media stop fomenting fear and loathing in the Tea Mob they tapped when all the sane people ran out, blaming Washington and our lawmakers for their lack of comity is ludicrous, and another example of trying to cure a symptom with million dollar drugs, instead of curing the disease that causes that symptom with some simple common sense at the legislative level.


Laws don’t work, so we should just do away with them–at least the gun laws, right EG?

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Hows Sunday in Middletown beej? Christmas shopping or still hoping to make bail?

How’s your puppies?


Historically, the NRA was very much for gun control laws…especially in the 19060’s because the Black Panther Party had guns.
The NRA once Supported Gun Control

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Yah, the NRA was against Blacks having guns? When I was a kid the NRA held safety classes concerning guns for the Boy Scouts. But those days are LONG GONE. Now the NRA is a crackpot fringe outfit that peddles fear and wants everyone armed to the teeth and in fear of their neighbor. Just look at recent statements by Wayne LaPierre for evidence of what I say. Their attitude toward guns is nuts. Now, I say this as a long time gun owner. I’m in favor of stringent universal background checks, We don’t need military type weapons when deer hunting. Nobody “needs” an AR-15. Or an AK-47. I’m all for stronger gun laws.
Nothing will be solved by shooting anyone. We need to stop hating the police and the police need to learn about community policing and lose the fancy military toys.

“…for that, there is no justification…”

Except gun industry profits and a conservative culture of aggressiveness.