Discussion: Obama Condemns 'Murder Of Egyptian Christians' In Op-Ed

Discussion for article #233377

“violent extremists’ narrative that the U.S. is at war with Islam.”

And by “violent extremists” in that phrase he means Bill O’Reilly and the rest of the RWNJs.

Remarkable how aligned Faux and Al Qaeda are in their narratives, eh?


I wish President Obama had not used “Christian” in his Op-Ed. In the eyes of the United States they should be viewed as citizens, religion should not come into the narrative. The United States would be reacting no matter which ‘religion’ was under attack.

The right-wing needs to take 8th grade government again, clearly they missed the point.


Since when has this President ever “neutralized a conservative line of attack” by saying the exact opposite of what he was accused of by the Right Wing Noise Machine?

This is just another of the many versions of the “He didn’t say ‘terrorist’ (even though he did)” memes we’ve seen since he took office.


Obama also urged Americans to uphold “pluralistic values…”

Of course the conservapsychos will take this to mean same-sex relationships, non-LDS sanctioned polygamy, and paganism.


Yes. When I read this in the op-ed–

“With al Qaeda and ISIL peddling the lie that the United States is at war with Islam — all of us have a role to play by upholding the pluralistic values that define us as Americans,”–

I thought, “Where is Fox News in that list of lie-peddlers?”


Nothing will satisfy these haters. Just wait, till the next bullshit they object to pops up.


The only cure for the Xians is the return of the Messiah…

Don’t see Jesus coming back for the current crop of Chri$harians in the US.

While I have no problem with Obama NOT saying these victims were Christians, they apparently were slaughtered BECAUSE they were Christians, not because they were Egyptians. So I don’t have a problem with him saying they were Christians either.

I get frustrated at Fox et al insisting that the president MUST use specific words when addressing these issues or he will demonstrate that he doesn’t understand what is going on.


Why should the US react? Because we created the situation that promotes terrorism?

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Right where the NeoCons planned for generations for Fox to be…


The United States isn’t at war with Islam but it is time we all acknowledged that ISIL is at war with the rest of Islam along with the rest of the world.

I don’t doubt improved opportunities for young Muslim men will help weaken ISIL, but I am not sure that the world won’t have to take the war to ISIL in a serious way. Bombing won’t be enough.


By “violent extemists” I hope you mean “loud-mouthed windbags”…because Bill-O wouldn’t bust a grape himself. He would just talk and instigate.

They were slaughtered due to their religion, I think that’s a very relevant point he should make.