Discussion: Obama Commutes Sentences Of 46 Non-Violent Offenders

Discussion for article #238366

Will Obama commute the sentences of the innocent victims of his drone attacks? How about all the Muslims killed by our military during the attacks on nations that had not committed acts of aggression towards America will he commute their death and suffering? What about all the Palestinians killed, tortured or displaced by the Jews we support with billions of dollars and free arms will he commute their sentences? No he will not…Thanks much for giving a few pot heads a break but its to little to late you appear like you give a shit.

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fuck you troll.


I hear your sentiment, and can agree on concept(perhaps not tone or specific language)

That said, this is a win for justice. Lets take that win and any momentum that comes with it to keep moving along this road regarding appropriate justice.

We should push the drone issue, but no need to sh;t on the president for doing the right thing, even if incomplete.

I’d rather have a 100 pot heads released than one Scooter Libby.


Sorry Charlie6 but they don’t count. Our drone Signature software says they were all terrorists (males over 12 yrs old). No innocent victims here plus you know, “collateral damage”. And of course, 9/11.

What a whining little temper fit you’re pitching.

Your entire comment is risible, and smacks of petulant emo-prog bullshit.

Take a hike, Sparky.


Let the Fright-Wing™ freak-out commence.

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Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’ keep those firebags trollin’

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬


“Your entire comment is risible, and smacks of petulant emo-prog bullshit.”
Must say, that was excellent!

Please don’t hit me with your Hermes Birkin bag! I’ll be good!

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Hopefully Charlie6 sticks around. UFG bailed on me. Building a troll coalition of former Naderites.

Can I pay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today?

You just can’t help being a hateful homophobe, can you?

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Stop being such a mean, nasty, hurtful person and I’ll be civil as well.

I’m nothing at all like you, Pookie.

A fact for which I am eternally grateful.

But nothing I have said excuses your hatred, your homophobia, or your overweening intellectual dishonesty.

Now kiss my gay ass.

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Come on BO…you can do it…you’re just warmin’ up…let’s get this shit done IN BULK: commute every fucking first-time marijuana possession sentence in the country. DO IT!!! No pussyfooting!!!

You’ll have the GOPers/Teatrolls out of whatever’s left of their minds when they realize what a mess you made of their precious state contracts with private prison systems they’ve invested in.


Fixed it for you.


Only a Teatroll would go so balls deep into such a non sequitur. You essentially got told “apples” and then started screaming about dildos. Kudos on the tangential association problem you’re having with producing rational thought.

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Fuck off prick


The pot calling the kettle black!!!

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No, he can’t. Darcy is conspicuously absent in most stories unless they are about Obama. He just can’t resist being a butthole