Discussion for article #234563
However, the Republicans lynch Lynch.
This man is far too respectful towards those Rs who have disrespected him over and over again. It only makes their denials of underlying racism a layer of truth
“Obama Blames Lynch Obstruction On GOP ‘Stubbornness,’ Not Racism”
Have to disagree Sir.It’s both Racism and Hatred.
“By paralyzing the political process, manipulating the Democrats’
institutional spinelessness and driving public discourse ever further to
the right, the warriors of Capital have shrunk the electorate to
historic lows and drained Congressional elections of any evident drama
or meaning. As I have already argued,
Democratic loyalists who blame widespread voter apathy for their 2014
midterm defeat have it backwards. That election’s staggering 36-percent
turnout — the lowest since World War II — was the real victory of the Koch forces, and much more important than the gerrymandered Congressional majority that came along as a bonus.”
He really is going out of his way to be waaay too nice. He knows, and we know, why they’re pulling this shit, and they’re not fooling a living soul. I understand why the President chooses not to state the obvious, and I don’t fault him for that…but oh hell, just add this one to the long list of racially-motivated bullshit the GOP has pulled over the last several years.
President Obama nails the facts and issues precisely. This provides a terrific background from which the context, subtext and motive can be easily inferred.
You don’t need a GIF to know which way the text goes.
It’s nice to see the president apologizing for Sen Durbin’s lack of civility. Jeez.
There Obama goes again, playing the race card. He’s sneaky, you see - he’s secretly playing the race card by making it appear that he’s not playing the race card.
It’s all part of that 12th dimensional chess he’s always playing. He’s crafty, that Obama, and we won’t see what he’s doing until it’s too late, and there’s nothing left of America but smoldering ruins.
(cue maniacal laughter here)
Very funny, but horrifying as well, because they believe it and are delusional by any measure of that definition.
Obama Blames Lynch Obstruction On GOP ‘Stubbornness,’ Not Racism
Of course, once you stop to figure it out, it’s both: The Republicans are too stubborn to give up their racism.
Oh, he’ll take the high road, and we’ll take the low road…!
As is usually the case, the President is far too kind in assessing Republicans’ reasons for behaving like raving shitweasels.
And he didn’t stoop so low as to add that the new “leader” of the Senate is totally useless as one. They’ll be in recess the first two weeks of April and when they come back they’ll be ready to do something or other.
Yep, he’s the Jackie Robinson of politics. They’ve done everything but pour beer on Obama’s head.
…and we’ll be in Shitland before ye.
Holding up Lynch only keeps Holder on the job.
Stupid fuckheads easily outsmarted by The Uppity One.
The Commander in Chief should not negotiate with terrorists: Be they republican-5th column traitors, seditionists, or otherwise. The republicans have a long history of trading arms for hostages and liberty but it’s a loser’s game.
At the trajectory FOX, Talk Radio and other Right Wing instruments of hate are on, the time may come before the end of Mr. Obama’s administration, that the absence of a formal declaration of racism from the Right will be analogous to the absence of a formal declaration that Denver is west of Kansas City.