Discussion for article #223937
He’s right. When the deniers say, “I’m not a scientist” - it means I know the facts, but I choose to deny they exist.
He is getting more bold in language and in action ( to the degree he can take action, without a crankypants congress). I love it.
It might have taken 5 years but I think he’s finally figured out that you cannot compromise or even have a civil discussion with conservatives. More like this Mr President, and don’t be afraid to be bolder…call them out by name.
Since it’s obvious that the “scientists” who claim climate change is man made are cut from the same elitist cloth as those people who gave you the Nobel Peace Price without any merit, Mr. President Obama, having doubts about this “science” is more than legitimate. Telling us that 97% of scientists agree climate change is man made proves zero to nothing, because we well know how the elitists at the helm of this “science” marginalize and ridicule those scientists who dissent with them. You are either with them or against them and when against, all sort of obstacles are thrown at you, including denial of funding.
For years Al Gore and mainstream “scientists” have gone around telling us all about “Global Warming”, it’s catastrophic effects and what we need to do to change course. Now that it’s over 15 years that there is no registered warming at all, it’s no longer “global warming” but “climate change”. DUH!!! Climate has changed since the beginning of times, it’s like saying that tomorrow we will have 50% chances of rain, a win-win situation. As the old folks always say, don’t fix something that ain’t broken.
While in Orange County, Obama also raised money for the Democratic National Committee at a closed-door fundraiser at the Laguna Beach home of Getty oil heiress Anne Earhart. About 25 people paid up to $32,400 to participate in a roundtable discussion with the president.
Hmmm…1%ers and Oil Magnates discussing privately with the President…how I wish to have been a fly on those walls…Have the feeling climate change was off the round table.
Anne Earhart in a very active environmentalist and not a Climate Change denier.
A simple search of the Internet could have told you that.
I’d prefer to have been a “fly on the wall” when Shrubs environmental policy was being shaped by dirty fuel executives behind closed doors with theDick Cheney.
“Consider this: since the time most of you graduated from high school, fewer Americans are at war,” Obama said. “More have health insurance. More are graduating from college. Our businesses have added more than nine million new jobs. And the number of states where you’re free to marry who you love has more than doubled. That’s just some of the progress you’ve seen.”
“And, oh yeah, I killed bin Laden. Almost forgot. And no more “pre-existing conditions” crap.”
Happy Father’s Day, Mr. President.