Discussion for article #245072
More good news in the same vein. Scalia, Thomas and Alito dissented. No surprise there.
Solitary confinement meets the definition of a cruel and unusual punishment and should be used only in extreme circumstances. No doubt it’s over utilized here.
There goes Obama again, trying to up his poll numbers and appear all saintly before his next election bid.
10,000 juveniles in federal prisons. Unbelievable number. What has happened to this country?
“He says the new policy will affect 10,000 prisoners.”
“used to punish young offenders and the mentally ill.”
What in the hell (because that is where they are) are 10,000 young offenders and mentally ill people doing in Federal Prisons in the first place?
Besides helping the “private Prison” Industry make money, that is.
Seriously, with such a high percentage of people put into the slammer, there ought to be more done. Like, Pardoning them, for example, on a case by case basis. Or getting them OUT of the criminal factories before prison compounds their problems, someone gets hurt, and we have to put them back, because where we kept them make them criminals.
Other countries do not do this. Why do we?
Thank you, Obama. Solitary is a terrible punishment, but for kids it’s absolutely unconscionable. I only wish he could have banned it also for mentally ill, though I suspect that’s a bit more difficult to define. Better yet: ban solitary confinement period.
I promised a couple of my right wing cousins… that I wouldn’t vote for Obama come November —
They are all nice and casual again … go figure —
Unfortunately a large majority of juveniles behind bars are in state and local facilities where the conditions are typically much worse than federal prison. The bottom line is that there are far too many Americans of all ages in jail – seven times more than the average of western nations (per capita). We’d have to close six out of every seven prisons in this country just to get down to that number.
Thank you Mr. President for taking out the evil and cruelty treatment that has been in practice in federal prisons for years.
I’m as disappointed as you are but he said in a interview Michelle won’t let him run. She really, really wants out of the bubble.