Hallelujah! We need him to be visible and speaking out. All the current living past presidents should be out there doing the same. This country is in real trouble and we need their help.
So good to see President Obama out there again, I hope he lights a fire, he is right, no time to get sleepy or distracted, come on VA, get out and vote, time to turn the tide.
That’s a solid plan against complacency.
Vote. Vote in November.
If any of them goes crazy on the job, unlike Republicans, we’ll kick them the fuck out. Don’t settle for losers. Vote. Your life will be better if you do.
So just in the past three days or so, we’ve seen Corker, McCain, Bush, and now Obama speak in no uncertain terms about the danger Trump represents to our Republic. All established men on the national stage.
I really hope this is a turning point and soon, this nightmare will end.
I miss you so much Barack!
At this rally someone shouted out “Four more years!”, and without missing a beat President Obama said he couldn’t because of the Constitution and his wife.
OMG….I gotta watch. I love this man and just can’t believe how far we’ve fallen. Keep your ass out there, sir. Remind people what a president should sound like. I think it might help wake people out of apathy and despair and rally them into fighting.
Since I came of age to vote, I have never not once not voted. I heard a slogan way back then saying, “Vote, you lucky American!” and always felt it to be true.
“It’s just as cynical as politics gets.”
Amen. Cynicism and bad faith are the twin pillars of the GOP.
Trump: Democracy does not work, Electoral College does. Just look at me and my best friend Putin.
But the fact remains that the 22nd was a terrible amendment
If Bill is President on September 11, it probably would have been just another day. If Barack ran last year, he would have crushed Trump.
If W. had run for a third term, he would at least have been dealt some accountability by the American voter.
Republicans are not third termers, generally. Democrats are.
If nothing else convinces you, think about Merrick Garland, Supreme Court Justice. That too would have happened.
The, Trumpp is dangerous to us all, speech is becoming a chant with an echo.
Not, we don’t like his politics but, we fear for our Democracy.
Bush popped up today, feeling emboldened I guess because a much bigger dummy on steroids has emerged. I despised the Bush administration and ached for it to end. And in ways, Trounce is an outgrowth of the Bush administration’s damaging years. Republicans still don’t utter the little bush name and have another, not to be named, President on their hands.
If any ex-Prez is going to make a difference at this point, its Barack. Bush is the wrong messenger and Bill Clinton brings all the Clinton hatred to the surface, even if Bill and or Hillary do make big differences.
Barack owns Trounce and if the Orange Dummy goes the insult route via the sissified tweet, he’ll be shredded via the true bully pulpit.
Real dad is back!
Why was this only half full? I’m very concerned about this election. Are Virginia Dems gonna stay home and not vote?
"Off-year elections, midterm elections, Democrats sometimes, y’all get a little sleepy, you get a little complacent,”
I know this is true. But, really, what planet is any Democratic living on who feels complacent at this moment in history?
That would be a ticket for more gridlock. Do you really think McConnell wouldn’t have held out for four more years?
Besides, presidents already look haggard after eight years. Twelve might just kill 'em.
Just seeing him in the game gives me such a lift, like we’re not alone.