Discussion: Obama Attacks 'Dishonest' And 'Ad Hominem' Attacks On Trade From Left

Discussion for article #235646

Wow, never heard the president whine like this before. Wassup Barack?


How was this whinning?

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On Thursday he compared some of the left’s attacks on trade to the “death panels” smear during the Obamacare debate

Yes, I noticed that as well.


Remember, “No more fucks left to give.” It apparently cuts both ways.


It is so tiring to hear this constant critism from the “left/progressives” when as the President says the info is easily available. It is much like the right / republican lies on so many issues. Perhaps if everyone stopped trying to find “hot button” issues to fund raise from and stayed at work doing the job of congressman / senator we could actually accomplish something important.

Additionally, it is so tiring hearing the “run warren run” people go on and on. If she wants to run don’t put up this pseudo independent group raising funds and name awareness. If she really does not want to run she needs to publicly tell these people to move on to something that will make a difference.


Well, it’s not available to you or me, and those that do have access to it in the House and Senate, can’t by law, discuss it - with you or me. or any progressive movement. That’s why it gets the ‘secret’ label.


With all due respect to the President, and Allah knows I love him, voted both times for him and support him at all times, the fact that the gop senate is on board 100% is a smoking gun to me…why would a senate that HATES YOU be so supportive of this?


Well that is the upside down bizzaro-world version of pointing out that if the President said breathing oxygen is good, the GOP base would reflexively hold their breath in protest. You are doing the exact same thing in reverse.


[quote=“Darcy, post:7, topic:19539”]
Well, it’s not available to you or me,[/quote]




Yeah, same here. I’m genuinely ambivalent about the deal based on specific provisions a few people I respect have been briefed on, but it does appear that the administration really has fixed much of what was so wrong with NAFTA (Obama has confirmed that labor and environmental standards are in the agreement proper rather than an unenforceable side letter). I’m not crazy about fast-track (Trade Promotion Authority, or “greasing the skids” in Warren’s words), but it’s typical for the product of international negotiations for obvious reasons; the process is identical to the Iran negotiations, and I’m beyond dismayed that so many Dems I respect sound on this process exactly like the Republicans do on that one.

Yes, under fast-track Congress can only vote the ultimate deal up or down; but not only can all of them see it right now (yes, under confidentiality restrictions applicable to any international agreement still under negotiation), but it’ll be available to all of us for weeks before the final vote. They, and we, will have plenty of time to see how strong the protections we all want to see really are. In the meantime, I really wish my side would stop acting so much like their side.

(And just a side note: Tom Perez isn’t exactly known as a corporatist tool; if he opposed the deal he could simply keep his mouth shut about it, but he’s actively promoting it. Not insignificant, IMHO.)


You echo where I am at on this as well. I also have a fairly large well of trust to draw upon from my Sr. Senator, Ron Wyden. The Sturm und drang on this has been a base marketing/fundraiser going back months (the great orange satan being a big offender) and does nothing but clog my email inbox. I have started flagging some as spam and removing myself from several progressive lists as a result.


And Elizabeth Warren downright lied when she said no one had seen it because she admitted on Rachel Maddow show that all of congress had seen it. Her main complaint was they weren’t able to talk about it - and that’s because the deal is not finalized. I am disappointed in her because she has dove rightinto politics as usual instead of being above the fray.


Well, I know this is man bites dog, but it must be said (yet again!): Gee, I wish Obama would go after the Republicans (even once) as hard as he goes after liberal Democrats (repeatedly).


Oh dearz.


It’s not dishonest to point out it was negotiated behind closed doors. It’s not dishonest to point out its language can’t be read by the public or published by the media. And it’s not dishonest to point out that the Congress is making it impossible to alter or reject pieces by amendment before we’ve seen it, and is putting the whole treaty on an accelerated schedule to passage so as to cut the chance opposition can effectively come together to stop it.

One wonders, if it’s such a good deal, why does the Administration have to rig the approval process so aggressively, and why won’t they let the public know what’s in the deal?

There’s a simple solution, Mr President: come clean with us; make the treaty public.


Oh, for Pete’s sake, he does, repeatedly, and far, far more than after Democrats. Any trace of legitimacy that criticism ever had is years past its sell-by date.


Amen. Pretty same old broken record.


Ah, the guy who acts like Fred Rogers when dealing with the people who declare him a traitor to our nation gets all angry when his own people don’t follow his lead.


It might be worth setting out the process of this negotiation. Politician reduce stuff to sound bites and for that is what we must thank SEAENEN, EMESSNBESEA those on the other side who FUXNOOSE. I am surprised by Warren’s comments. Does she feel left out? Does she thinks she has a role to play? Who is heading negotiations on the US side and are they still continuing. Is there some place where one can find a summary up of what’s being negotiated and which countries are involved. Sound bites, distortions and spin is not helpful;