Discussion: Obama Administration Abandons Plan To Ban Armor-Piercing Ammunition

Discussion for article #234180

Our slogan: “America: Finding new ways to kill people every day!”



In a letter to ATF Director B. Todd Jones last month, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., objected to the plan. On Tuesday, he applauded the reversal, saying he was “pleased that the Obama administration has abandoned its attack on the Second Amendment.”

I must have missed the part of the Second Amendment that mentioned armor-piercing ammunition.


The lobbying groups known as “al Shabbab Right To Carry” and “Bundy’s Buddies” unanimously declared victory for the cause of freedom in the wake of the news.


Anyone with a minimum of knowledge on the matter knows that any kind of 5.56mm or .223 caliber ammunition is “armor piercing” when fired against the kind of soft armor police departments have adopted. More waste of time.

Next up, cue the RW who will say that this just shows that Obama hates the police, never mind that they support it themselves.

I’m not joking.

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This is going to result, sooner or later, in dead LEOs. What then?

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I’m shocked that anyone defends the killing of cops. Shameful, really. Gunsuck ammosexual perversion has no limit, apparently.

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The RW forwarded emails calling it Obama’s law practically write themselves.

Nobody is defending the killing of cops. BTW, no cop has ever been killed by that kind of ammunition. Maybe you should research the issue before making statements.

Most strident anti-gun types would be lucky to have what you could call minimum knowledge of the subject.

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What “strident anti-gun types” are you blathering about? You seem to have less than minimal knowledge of proponents of sane gun laws, such as Gabby Giffords, who’s a gun owner.

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Spending political capital to ban this type of ammo was a bad move. It effectively does nothing, as a non armor piercing 5.56mm round will pierce bulletproof vests anyhow. These types of round are designed to stop vehicles (non armored vehicles specifically). If you are going to piss off the gun nuts, target effective measures. This was a stupid move.

We keep taking half measures that do little if anything to solve the problem. Big magazines, hollow point bullets, assault rifles - these aren’t the issue. What we need is a ban on all semiautomatic weapons. THAT would be effective.

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This was just “pissing in the ocean” anyway.
Banning ONE of 556 types of bullets.


this ought to make every police officer out there overjoyed At the asshats that think banning this bullet is a bad idea…way to go asshats …oh yeah and now all you cops who like shooting first and makeing excuses later …looks like their a new bullet in town with your name on it…PS I dont own any guns never needed them …my penis is more than big enough…in my own humble opinion…lol

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