Discussion for article #247578
What a fucking hit piece.
This is where the rubber hits the road. Will Obama enforce the law, or is it hispandering all the day long? These people have had their day in court. They entered illegally. They are not eligible for asylum. It’s time for enforcement of court-ordered deportation.
How so?
Can you explain what is incorrect?
It’s a hit piece in that only in the text do you see that it has to do with all those kids who came here en masse in 2014. They came here illegally and as much as I wish we could help all of them we can’t. The Obama admin is enforcing the laws as it should. Yesterday TPM and the media ran with the story in the NYT about Obama choosing sides in the election when in in face in the Times article it said he never said he was selecting one candidate over the other but the headline was the click bait. The story is still available and has 244 hits and counting. That my friend is click bait
Third eye?
I agree - the article seems reasonably accurate to me.
He IS enforcing the law, not will he.
OK. I was interested in what you saw as a hit piece. It looked accurate enough to me.
The title is “Obama Admin Steps Up Raids To Deport Undocumented Children, Families” how does the fact that it is about the undocumented children and families that came in 2014 as opposed to any other undocumented children or families make it a hit piece?
Bernie and Hillary have both said that they WILL NOT enforce the law. That is a really bad signal to send. Of course, for Hillary, Hispandering is the main approach to her campaign.
I’ve noticed your repeated postings in other places. There seems to be some issue with the comments posting system. In many cases, I post, and then the window does not close. Is this being checked? In this case, I posted this (editing now), clicked to go to the bottom, and the window re-opened with my comment.
Nick, the problem is affecting us all but it is worse for moderators. Techies are working on the issue.
I would have deleted the extras last night but I lost my internet connection