Discussion: Obama Admin Overcounted ACA Enrollment By 'Mistake'

Discussion for article #230398

Fine, thanks for once again being the adult and willing to acknowledge that an error was made. Not that it will not precipitate a flood of GOTP outrage of course. It’s akin to them screaming


each and every time they take a piss. Their illness is deeply ingrained…


HAHA. They ALSO probabLY MuLTIPLIed the totAL aMOUnt of enROLLEES by a MILLION!!!1!one!1!!1!

They LIED! Scandal! Hearings! BENGHAZI! Fear, fire, foe, IMPEACH!!!


This is minor. But it plays to the image that government can’t do anything right.

Yes, government officials–political appointees and career employees–are being pushed to a very high standard. But it is what it is. No use complaining about it.

This is way better than falsifying intel to start a war…


Big fucking deal!! Geezuz H. Kreist.

Government mistakes are called incompetence.

Private sector mistakes are called tax deductions.

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This will be the next Benghazi on Fox. Meanwhile, Darrell Isa will be conducting many hearings on this for the next year. We’ve seen this movie too many times.

Too, people who make government mistakes are paid 1/4 of those who make private sector mistakes, if that.

Remember the EDSEL !!!

And now we’ve blown by both of those numbers so what does it even matter?
Plus, dental coverage is also necessary and a good thing, what toothless loser is going to badmouth that?

Repeal dental care! Foul, dragon breath is awesome, if you like to be grossed out that is.