Starting with you, you miserable SOB. And take a look at the median age of your audience, pal—time is not on your side.
Well at least we can stop pretending that that side cares about anything other than race. I suppose I’ll be told how we have to win these people over by dumping 'identity politics" i.e. throw all the minority candidates under the bus, but I hope the Democrats are smarter and better than that.
Bill O’Reilly lacks an “embarrassment” gene.
Well, for once Mr O’Reilly you are damm right.
“The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with,”
Yes, I believe you’ve got the concept surrounded, Bill.
O’Reilly effectively channels the Trump zeitgeist: White nationalism counts and votes from “others” don’t.
The maggots are coming out of their shells…
because an amorphous concept like ‘power’ is a zero sum game…
That feller is damn brilliant.
That’s one of the biggest reason who have such freakouts on the Right; the average age of the conservative voter is way older than a liberal one. The fact that a lot of old, racist bigots are so loud is because they’re forced to watch as the world becomes more diverse and accepting at the end of their lives and they hate the fact that they can’t do anything to stop it.
Only Bill O’Reilly could find a way to suggest that the right is being victimized after this election.
Right. So Wyoming has 1 elector per 177,000 citizens and California has one elector per 645,000 citizens (based on 2008 figures). This is the Citizens United version of how to elect a President. Individuals who live in rural, under-populated, mostly Republican states have more power in electing the President than those who live in more populated states. And the Republicans have no incentive to change that, as long as it favors them. If Clinton had won the electoral college and Trump the popular vote, their hair wold be on fire right now.
Let’s not mince words here. Billo is endorsing white supremacy. Fox should be ashamed. Oh, hell. What am I saying?
Nice of O’Reilly to confess to his white supremacism. Here is what else he gets completely wrong:
“The left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with. Therefore, white working-class voters must be marginalized."
O’Reilly truly is a victim of his own “black-and-white” thinking (so to speak). He simplistically sees it as a matter of all or nothing: either whites retain all of their privilege or they are done away with and marginalized.
No Bill, you dishonest and stupid piece of shit. What we want is increased FAIRNESS, a concept that Republicans are just fundamentally unable to understand. That will require a reduction in unearned white privilege but not the “doing away with” of all whites and not the “marginalization” of working class whites.
In fact, quite to the contrary, increased fairness will not only help non-whites it will also help the working class whites as well, who are in a conflicted situation of unfairly benefiting from being white while also unfairly being harmed by not being rich.
Also, if O’Reilly would step away from his own ideological delusions for one second, he would see that the Democratic party and its representatives like Hillary Clinton are CENTRISTS. There are no Marxist tendencies on the left any more. No one wants to try to reach nirvana with an overnight revolution. The Democrats are only weakly pushing for marginal incremental reforms and increased fairness - - the kind that the currently overprivileged whites and rich folk will probably not even feel as it happens – as long as we don’t have a bunch of asshole extremist Republicans constantly whipping up resentment against government and liberals so they can maintain wildly unfair white and rich privilege.
And your point is?
Wow…this is some squirrely ‘logic’ Billo is spewing…is the ‘white’ establishment the Alt-right or the ALL white or the establishement that works with all people regardless of color or the white rich or…I am so confused about what those ‘pesky Leftists’ WANT!!!