Discussion: NYU Professor: My Students And I Were Racially Profiled At A Rubio Rally

Some people cry when embarrassed and upset. My wife, a professional who supports me and the kids, will cry when she is truly embarrassed. John Boehner cried, I think genuinely, more than once. A student, who is already nervous because she is clearly not surrounded by a friendly crowd, then is deliberately stopped from doing the job she is so nervously trying to do. Damn straight, I’d cry too.


Being an immigrant, being a child of Cuban immigrants and he’s going to do this to students of color.

Sorry, Professor, but if you asked Rubio, he would tell you that Cubans don’t consider themselves minority or people of color. Plus, the guy can’t even keep his own family history straight.


Rubio is angling for the Cruz voters who are jumping ship en masse. He knows they are mostly White Evangelicals (i.e. firmly believe in the White, Red-Headed, 6’2" Jesus) and he doesn’t want the “taint” of BLACKS at his rallies (most of his supporters have NO IDEA that he is a Cuban Anchor-Baby, despite his name.)

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The students and professor were there to experience a townhall. They staffer was wrong, insistent and probably loud. That can be jarring if you’re doing nothing wrong. Couple that with being the only Black people in the room, and it can get intimidating fast if other people start to notice what’s happening- you don’t know how they are going to react.

That the other student was also spoken to shows that the staffer was reacting to the only dark people in the room.

We see what Rubio’s campaign is about.

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OMG, now it’s black student journalists matter. Bring on the victims.

Sweetheart, it sounds like you were totally unprepared. But, it also sounds like that’s OK, because you’re a professional victim.

What a surprise.

Republican campaign staffers are racists.


Well, that may be the thinking of some white Cubans in Flordia (there are plenty of Black Cubans too, Celia Cruz anyone), but back home most Cubans are people of mixed race/color.

Totally agree.

“Being an immigrant, being a child of Cuban immigrants and he’s going to do this to students of color.”

Color line discrimination exists throughout Latin America too, including Cuba. But the Cubans who fled Castro were the most prosperous and generally lighter skinned than the poorer supporters of the Revolution. In Cuba they didn’t consider themselves “People of Color” and they don’t here either.


That oh so inclusive GOP big tent extends only to white folks of privilege. Or Cubans if they are running for an office.

Well, yeah, but Boehner cries at everything:

When a couple of gays get a marriage license, :fearful:
if a child below the poverty line gets a free school lunch, :disappointed:
hearing anyone pronounce “Boehner” for the first time… :grimacing:

Rubio did it again, by the way. Repeating himself, verbatim:

Only this time with bonus ‘ramming down our throats’ action.

“You might be surprised at how some young adults handle rejection.” Yes, I’ve seen it. After having been raised in the Participation Trophy age with their parents rolling out a red carpet every step of the way (that’s how you get to graduate school, for many) to be treated unfairly is a new and devastating experience.

Exactly. I’m guessing if Rubio had his DNA done it would be mainly Spanish. This is maybe confusing to many. Hispanic isn’t a race, or even a class. And Rubio’s father got his oh so low class humiliating bar tender jobs at casinos because of some sort of Mafia connections. They didn’t leave Cuba because of Soviet Communism as Marco used to portray, but a few years before because of opportunity based on connections.


Rubes thinks he’s white.

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He is a republiklan…plain and simple. Of course they will treat you this way…you can expect this from all candidates in his party.

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This is the type of low-grade slime you can expect from Mister “I-can’t-remember-my-own-past” Rubio, and the rest of the Grumpy Old Party Clown Car Cavalcade.
This is the sort of tacit racism of which every group will fall victim if people like this continue in power, let alone being handed more power.
This is yet another reason why I fail to understand how it is that one single American Voter who claims to be a democrat or an Independent can sit on their hands while this rising tide of slime overtakes America, and everything for which America used to stand. How can anyone sit silent in the face of individuals like Rubio, and Mister Dump, and still reckon themselves to have a rightful claim to be the free and equal people which they ought to be? Sitting and doing noting is a tacit endorsement of what people like this believe. How can anyone with any vision of equality and true freedom for everyone countenance electoral silence in the face of such abominations as these men represent?

Interesting that most of us white folks would consider him hispanic, but it seems like hispanics that are white hispanics like he appears think of themselves above darker or black hispanic. Not really a surprise or telling a lot of folks anything. Just interesting to watch my local spanish channel in my effort to learn spanish that most of the main characters of the shows originally in spanish are white hispanics and only the lesser characters are darker and black.

Love Celia and her music. Too bad she left us.