Discussion for article #242128
Wow - world becomes fixated on sophomoric existentialist question…
Oh for Jeebus’ sake! …Don’t fu*k with time. It never ends well.
(*Mike Godwin would never have become famous, for example!)
Thanks for playing!
(BTW: I bet evil was never cuter:)
Although the physics of time say it should move in both directions, the reality is it only moves forward. I have wondered if that is a proof of God or just an accident.
Wow. I never imagined we would use worldwide communication technologies to ponder mysteries of the universe that we debated in college while bagged out of our brains on some bad shit. i figured we’d just use them to get laid.
Perhaps it’s because there is no actual thing called time. It’s a construct we use to understand our environment.
If I had a time machine I’d go further back and show Jesus what his supporters in 2015 look like. In the hopes that we could get a little more clarification on what he meant when he said [paraphrasing] “don’t be a huge fucking asshole”.
No, use it as an experiment to settle the nature vs nurture debate. Kidnap the baby and raise him in a caring and inclusive environment, and if he still turns out evil, use your time machine to go back again and kill him.
Dude, what if like, the Matrix is totally right and we’re all just living in like some huge computer program and shit.
Should have taken that damn blue pill.
Howz’ bout’ dusting baby Jesus or baby Mohammed??? Hum?
The cults that developed around those two are responsible for the slaughter of many, many times more innocent lives than ol’ Adolph and Uncle Joe Stalin combined ever were.
I like the way you think!
If you have access to a baby Hitler, you have the ability to persuade. So why kill? I’ll leave that to the “pro-life” crowd.
Killing baby Jesus would be difficult, since there isn’t any concrete evidence that He ever existed.
Much better idea – go back to the day before Hitler was conceived and alter the timeline leading up to that fateful event by the tiniest amount – say, trip Hitler’s father or mother, or make them miss an appointment, or any one of a thousand trivial things.
Even if they still have sex and a baby is conceived, the odds that it will turn out to be the fascist dictator of Germany are vanishingly small (50/50 that it would be a girl, for starters!)
Somebody asked Mike Huckabee that and he refused to answer because he said it was a gotcha question.
Just kill the damned story about him. That would be fine by me.
Couldn’t you say that about just about anything? I mean to me squirreltown is just a construct I use to understand this part of my environment.
The story about Jesus was OK right up to the moment Constantine got a hold of it. Maybe we should go back in time and kill Constantine?
I am not amused: