Discussion: NYTimes Sheds Light On Deal With Conservative Author Dishing Clinton Dirt

Purdy also told Sullivan that the arrangement with Schweizer "is no
different than the way we treat information from any other source. "

I think they misspelled the last word in that sentence; it should read “L-I-A-R.”

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Wow, with speculation like that you could get a job at FOX. You have a vivid imagination.


TPM: NYTimes Sheds Light On Its Dirty Deal With Dirty Conservative Author Attacking Clinton.

FYourHeadlineFY. You’re welcome.

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A Condi Rice perhaps more than anyone should be in jail for the rest of her life. It was her (and Shrub obviously too) who ignored the explicit warnings that terrorists might use weapons as planes. And then had the gall to say after 9/11, “Who would have thought that anyone would use planes as weapons?”. Condi has the blood of every victim on 9/11 on her hands. She did absolutely nothing to prevent the attacks even when warned of the possibility per the 9/11 report.
B. “But for the record, Condoleeza Rice did not conduct government business using private email.” For the record? So you are privy to the “record” now so your word is “it”…riiiiiight! You have absolutely no clue whatsoever whether Condi conducted government business using private email. You are spewing your opinion which is worth as far as anyone can spit. Who knows, perhaps if incompetent Condi had indeed not conducted government business as she did, thousands of lives may have been saved on 9/11. Your attempt to compare Condi and Hillary Clinton is ludicrous and truly vile.


Good Christ, the NYT sounds like a bunch of snivelling weasels with that “explanation.” The point isn’t really about the terms of the arrangement – the point is why the NYT is entering into an arrrangement with a repeatedly-debunked, lying, slimy, right-wing smear merchant like this guy in the first place.


Among Blumenthal’s hacked email were several to Hillary that contained highly sensitive intelligence information. Blumenthal was banned from working for the State Department but Clinton went behind Obama’s back and seems to have had Sid run kind of a rogue intelligence operation. While this didn’t get much attention at the time, it had to have made Obama and his staff livid.

It is hard to imagine that the Obama administration would just shrug its shoulders when learning about this private server that may or may not contain highly classified information. Just look what happened to David Petaeus. It would be negligent for the government to ignore this potential glaring security breach. I would imagine Hillary Clinton’s geek squad was no match for the best and brightest in the NSA. And Russia and other countries were likely trying to hack into that server as well. It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to think that Hillary’s email aren’t very private and that could be a problem for her. Those Blumenthal emails, after all, were very strange.

Rest assured that your concerns have been duly noted.

All of Clinton’s emails to State Department employees is on government servers. No official emails “mysteriously” disappeared, as much as Hillary haters like to insinuate that it did.


The way the Times wrote that sentence was designed to create suspicion of collusion in the public mind.

If the Times were being neutral, the sentence would have read “No evidence has been presented to show that the donations had any role in the approval of the uranium deal.”

I know this is how it should have been written, because I used to be a reporter—and so was my mother for over 20 years.

My editor would have raked me over the coals for writing anything like that story.


Bless your heart.

How about letting us in on how you seem to have all this inside information that no one else is aware of.

Google. To save you time, here is a shortcut to a 2013 article about the Blumenthal emails.

If the chapter in the book “grew out of work” the NYT did in 2008, then why do they need any sort of agreement with the author to pursue their story further? This makes no sense.

My 88 year old Mom with no connections was speculating that Petaeus was punished as a means for allowing Hillary to be attacked. Pull the other one.

I’d guess you were using copy and paste but for the fact you misspelled Petraeus.

And you are going to look pretty funny when President Obama endorses and campaigns for Hillary.

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And as for the knowledge that Hillary’s email server was hacked and the state of mind of Hillary, Obama and their cohorts at all times during the last 5 years - can you give us a link to your ass? Surely that must be the source of such intimate data.


Methinks we need to follow the money.

Too little, too late NYT!!

You suck!

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The best thing the NYT ever did recently, was line the bottom of the bird cage!!

They can take modo and miller and shove them!

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This is the paper that was fed false information and printed it, which lead us into a war that should have never happened. That’s all that needs to be said about the NYT

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Meanwhile, the NYT editorial board is probably sucking off 12 different Wall Street fuckers, including Mercer.