And make Sen. Tom Cotton the CIA Director. Cotton, who is the perfect Trumpian combination of henchman and harebrained. What could go wrong?
The head of the CIA to become the head of the State Department? What country is this?!!
“Hey Marge, there’s a sack of crap on the porch.”
“Well, don’t just stand there. Get rid of it and replace it with a flaming one!”
Mueller had better hurry up.
“Tom Cotton? You write letter to Iran? Hired!”
Some how this leads to muellers dismissal…not sure exactly but…
Considering the fact that he’d be putting a confirmed psychopath in charge of Murder, Inc. my guess is a lot will go wrong. The only question now is not if we’ll soon be at war with Iran, but when…
So Pompeo can just slide right in without hearings - because he has a hall pass - having already been through confirmation hearing?
Certainly Cotton’s only question is how soon can he start ratcheting up covert ops with abandon & access to ALL weapons & equipment !
The WH will deny this in 3…2…1…
And it only gets worse… as my sister said last night,”we are in the midst of the Great Depressing.”
Tillerson would have had to stay a year to take advantage of the massive tax benefits for selling off his (reported) “conflicts of interest” to become a cabinet member. There’s no way Trump would let him get to that mark. I’m only surprised he didn’t wait until a week before, but hey, it’s close enough!
Well, Cotton’s seat will be up for grabs next year if he makes this move. I know, I got nuthin’
This is the premier cabinet post, and Pompeo isn’t the most popular person on Capitol Hill.
Like X a thousand!
I don’t read political memoirs often, but I’ll read “Wrecks: My Close Working Relationship with a Fucking Moron.”
The real issue here is the idea of a complete jackass like Tom Cotton in charge of the CIA.
He’s a genuinely dangerous man, and should not be anywhere close to the levers of power.
Yes, war with Iran AFTER the massive tax cuts. Sounds vaguely familiar. Cue the screaming banshees for those who aren’t wearing flag pins.
I hope they do it. The CIA ( I grew up in that culture ) is notorious for being personality sensitive. Cotton is no likable guy and he’s wet behind the ears. That don’t fly in the Company. As for Pompeo…I’m sure a Christian zealot will not do well negotiating with Muslims around the world. Do it…
This is a very unstable regime.