They should not give them airtime, if not other reason, just for sake of the sore ass tweets.
Any wondering what the topic will be? Perhaps a campaign speech thinly disguised as a one hour rage tweet about national security?
I came up with a grand idea for building the wall and ending the shutdown this weekend! We build it out of a substance that is readily available and easily assembled. In fact, the wall can be put up in seconds if we just build it out of Air, imagine that…
Only took me two pours of Bulleit to finger it out too!
Deny him publicity is worse than denying him oxygen. Smother the fucker
Let him go on Periscope.
Don’t you fucking dare!
Mazel Tov Cocktail?
Oh, puleze, this guy gets prime time 24/7. It’s another nonsense ploy to try to convince people about the fracking wall. Vote no!!!
Con men gotta keep the con going for as long as possible The networks should refuse. This is not in the same category as President Obama reserving time to let the nation know Osama bin Laden was dead. His policies created this and he was ready to sign bills to keep government open until Rush and Ann Coulter told him he was a coward.
Really hurt him
Sorry Donnie we can’t afford the drop in Ratings
I could be very wrong here, but I think he can legal demand airtime on the over-the-air networks.
Of course they’ll give him the time and some love. The pivot is always imminent. I’ll be reading Daniel Dale’s live twitter account.
Just do your normal grift, fatso: Speak wherever you want, fox will carry it and kiss your loathesome spotty behind afterwards, and intelligent journalists will inform us how much danger we are in due to your latest inane utterances (relative to the background-radiation of danger that we’re now used to).
Some variation on the theme of “Unfair!” And a few gratituitous and factually untrue attacks, for good measure.
They will.
Give him air time with the following caveat:
In constantly changing font color, the following moving chyron shall be presented in very large font constantly moving around the perimeter of the presented viewing field:
Thank you for your prompt application of this instruction.
Let him have it on Faux and no place else!
The American Carnage Speech Part 2: Thundersteel Barrier.
Damnit! They’d better not pre-empt Big Bang re-runs!
“. major networks were “still deliberating” whether to give Trump the window, given what could end up being an expressly political statement…”
I think that should be a given considering who will deliver the “speech.”