Discussion: NYT: Trump Ordered WH Lawyer To Stop Sessions' Recusal From Russia Probe

This still seems like the gray area between ‘will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?’ and 'kill him!'


Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores denied to the newspaper that the incident ever happened.

A denial? Hmmm, is she someone in a position to make this claim?

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Theater directors, in their genius, offer contemporary interpretations of classic, older plays. Donald J. Trump and this administration provide ripe material for a new interpretation of “Death of a Salesman” with Trump as William “Willy” Loman. The comparisons are clear and frightening.


Apparently Rosenstein met with Ryan yesterday in an effort to get Ryan on board in not giving noted moron and pathetic Trump minion Devin Nunes access to highly sensitive documents from the FBI/Mueller investigation. And Ryan backed Nunes. This is pretty fucked up, to say the least. Ryan is siding with one of the guys attacking the country’s system of justice. What is it that is causing basically every Republican in congress to betray their country? Is it all those emails Russia reportedly hacked from RNC servers but still haven’t released? On the other hand, this may create an obstruction of justice trap for Nunes. If, as seems overwhelmingly likely, he immediately trots off like Trump’s good little dog to share the info with the White House and selectively leaks portions to undermine the investigation, could add to an obstruction case against Nunes.


Doesn’t she know that the DoJ’s official position on everything is now “I can’t recall”?


So, with Wolff’s book and its confirmation that everyone around Trump knows he’s an idiot and unfit to be president - does Trump use that as his defense? I’m an inexperienced, unprepared idiot who didn’t know it was wrong and didn’t mean it and wouldn’t otherwise have done it. Or does he continue to tout being, like, the smartest person and greatest president in history but everyone else in the world is lying? I’m guessing the latter, because…narcissistic fool.


In Ryan’s case, I’d put it down to plain mean-spiritedness. Others may have different motivations, but Ryan seems to simply enjoy inflicting pain.


I can’t believe how absolute a piece of doody ‘our’ Paul turned out to be.

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All of Trump’s actions are clear Obstruction.

Mueller knows however, that he gets nowhere with trying to charge the sitting President.

Basically Mueller needs to have so much clear evidence that it forces Republican Members of Congress to act on impeachment. The only way that happens is if public pressure drives it.

I suspect Republican expect to lose the house and therefore want to leave that to the incoming Democratic majority so they can call the impeachment hesrings partisan hoping to try to make it look like overreach like when Repubs went after Clinton.

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Trump came into office with a very thuggish view of presidential power. The very fact that he thought the AG of the USA worked for his private protection shows how deeply ignorant and criminal he is.


Uh-oh…Trump is in big doo-doo. Man, he really knows how to step in it.
I think its safe to say there’s no getting out of this one.


I’ve thought for some time that the defense will be mentally incapacitated.

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Thats a face I’d like to slap the f–king smile off of. Paul Ryan, the biggest piece of shit in Congress!!


I think there are bigger pieces of shit in Congress, both chambers. But yeah, he be up there with the biggest POS’s.