Discussion: NYT To Fox: Apologize For Reporting Our Story Fumbled Capture Of ISIS Leader

“With this segment, ‘Fox and Friends’ demonstrated what little regard it has for reporting facts.”

In fact, this was exhibit 1,382,715 for the prosecution.


Alternative Fact Channel reporting as usual.


And that was just for today…


The Fox and Friends were probably just confused: they thought “confirming relevant details” was when Roger asked female employees to twirl for him.


Fox & Frauds: the journalistic equivalent of a junior high school lunch room, with less nutritional value…


And FOXNews will likely respond and Trump will not. Just like the Trump claim that Comey released classified documents to a friend.
FOX and Friends apologized for fear of being sued - Trump of course didn’t.

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Hey, NYT! How many of your war-on-the-Clintons pieces did you apologize for?


Letters and whining don’t work. Fight fire with fire. Report about the industrial scale molestation and sexual abuse at Fox News. Report on Rupert Murdoch’s criminal activities.


A couple of things in that letter, like the word “malicious,” suggest they’re willing to do more than whine about it. If FOX didn’t exercise due diligence or knew the report was false and ran it anyway, they’re a big fat deep-pocketed target.


State TV isn’t interested in apologizing. Like many on the far right, the best you can hope for is that they will just stop talking about a particular thing.


Waiting for Trumpkins to react with the same outrage they did to CNN in…oh, who am I kidding?


We can only wish
It’s about time the Propaganda Channel that is Faux News was pilloried on a national basis .
I however won’t be holding my breath.


FUX and Frauds.

Alternative fact fake news…

Wait was that just a double negative? So very confusing…

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And BTW, General Tony Thomas needs to take both hands, grab both his ears, and pull his head out of his arse. What a tool.

The Republican disease has reached into the Military ranks and metastasized. The founders envisioned citizen soldiers, no vast pension system or frills. End them. Let our conservative members of the Military enjoy the benefits of the free markets like the rest of us.


Take a cue from Otto.

“Pravda and Friends” never apologizes for spewing the Administration’s Propaganda.

That is their Job after all…

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It’s worse than you know.

The US Air Force is almost completely co-opted by Christian Dominionists and Evangelicals. So much so that Obama passed over the top General of the Air Force for the Head of the Joint Chiefs job (even though he was senior and next in line) and chose the junior head of the Marine Corp. instead for the job.
The Air Force openly proselytizes and pressures all new Air Force Academy recruits to be “born again” or suffer the consequences. Their offices in the Pentagon are actively pushing the “Crusade against Godless Muslims” and several senior officers have been disciplined or outright “retired” because of it.

The Army and Marine Corp have terrible problems with Fascist Recruitment problems, and with groups like The OathKeepers seeping into the active ranks, not to mention the Gang problems where they directly send members into the military for the arms and explosives training (and to recruit members.)

The Navy has terrible issues with sexual assault and drug use (and smuggling) so they are not immune either.

The US Military reflects the US Population so none of this should come as a surprise.

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Faux snooze for sure, after admitting in court that they provide “entertainment” instead of “news”.

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