Discussion: NYT: Russians Talked Last Year About Using Manafort, Flynn To Sway Trump

It was awfully tough for the NYT to catch a whiff of this last year with all the clouds and shadows over the Clinton campaign, wasn’t it?


So this sounds like pretty good proof that at least as of summer 2016 there was no collusion between Flynn and Russia. They would not be boasting about having a good relationship with him and through that exert influence if he was in some sense an agent of theirs.

The house of cards that has been built around trump and Russia is looking increasingly precarious

Except that the Trump people received strenuous warnings about Flynn, and hired him anyway. That’s a matter of public record.


Interesting defense for Flynn: “I wasn’t colluding with the Russians. I was too stupid to realize I was being played.”

Frank Costanza: “My George isn’t smart enough to hatch a scheme like this.”


As far back as I can remember Republicans were very anti Russia.
Now it appears to be a Republican you have to be a Russian lap dog and Trump’s base just shrugs.
Is there any one in the GOP willing to state they are anti Russian or are you all cowards?


True, but given Trump won the election on a platform that prominently included improving relations with Russia, it’s hardly suspicious that he wanted people in his administration who were friendly with Russians

But that was back in their Communist days.
Now it’s a capitalist oligarchy, and the oligarchs are fantastically wealthy, hence fantastically worthy. Putin is thought to be worth $40 billion:


As in ‘on the payroll’?

Flynn was ‘friendly’ with Turkey too.


Quick, what’s the difference between the Russian oligarchs and the Koch brothers? Longitude.


“Frequently, individuals who go along the treasonous path do not even realize they’re along that path until it gets to be a bit too late,” Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee.


The “T” word.

From the CIA Director.

On the Congressional record.

In public testimony.


At least they catching it now.

Hey, I can take the truth. I do wish it had happened sooner, but maybe it wasn’t verified.

No wonder Grassley looked like he had seen a ghost.


Apparently so - a NATO ally no less

Less so now.

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There was Nothing subtle about the language used.
They said Flynn had been ‘compromised’ by the Russians.
The meaning is clear.

I am friendly with my neighbor, I am not ‘compromised’ by him.


? That’s not in this article. Are you referring to the fear that he could possibly have been blackmailed because he wasn’t straight with Pence? That’s not r ally,being compromised by Russians, because there’s no evidence they ever tied to use it as leverage

Getting closer!!! HaaaHaaaa!!!

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Breitbart didn’t catch it, neither did Alex Jones or World Net Daily. Neither did Comey. Give it a rest.

Turkey’s now a dictatorship. Another administration would be taking measures against it but our dictator praises them and supports. Being in the tank for trumpp will get you nowhere either in life unless you’re a spy or among opponents of this man

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Oh, let’s not overlook the alleged long and deep financial ties the Russian mob had with Trump himself. Everything around Donald is sideshow.

He invited a Russian intelligence agent into the Oval Office and gave him confidential information with no idea of the ramifications of doing so.