Charges against Thrush aside, the White House beat seems like its own special hell since he’ll have to put up with lying, obfuscation and all around free flowing horse manure. For people unhappy with the NYT response, drop what you’re doing and cancel your subscription immediately and never pick up a copy at a newsstand anymore either. Don’t read it, you say? Oh.
What’s Dean Baquet ever done to you that you developed this fixation on someone most people haven’t heard of?
No I do not want to burn it all down, and shame on you for trying to shame me. Pretending men’s stupid behavior is okay demeans the men who do not exhibit stupid behavior, and it helps women learn to stand up for themselves.
You were here for the 2016 (and earlier for that matter) coverage of Hillary Clinton. Baquet knows very well who Trump is, he knows who Hillary is, he chose the direction his paper would cover them both. Despite a lot of people not knowing his name, he’s still responsible for some of the most unfair and unbalance political coverage of a presidential candidate, ever. Put him up against the wall with the rest as far as I’m concerned. F— him.
This is really getting weird. Washington DC is suddenly the sexual perversion & rehabilitation for it Capital of the United States ?
While the Emperor self admitted pussy grabber apparently is the Golden One ( hands off ! Presidential Immunity )
The Donald Trump Greatest Show on Earth is alive and doing very well. (extreme snark)
Yes, all the people in MI, WI and PA who flipped from Clinton to trumpp 11 days after Comey spoke about her emails had been reading Baquet all along and had been unduly influenced. All the people who didn’t turn out, about 48% of eligible voters, were also influenced by his stance. And the Russians? They cheered when they read what Baquet wrote, but they were spectacularly pissed off when the NYT Editorial Board wholeheartedly endorsed Clinton.
But thanks for explaining to me what I asked of someone else.
My complaint may sound familiar because I lodged it yesterday, but why is it that what a sexual predator said, that is, grab a pussy, is condemned all around, but there’s a dispensation here to use it over and over and over again.
What he said in video and audio was an announcement of his supposed supreme celebrity ability to skirt the law. My experience is that most men do not brag about this. If you do then you are very young.