Discussion: NYT Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. To Retire Within Next 6 Years

Discussion for article #239717

Me, too!

Sorry I can’t make it to his retirement party - I’ve got a prior engagement that day.


Um, mmmkay. (shrugs shoulders)


Wow, “within the next 6 years”. That’s really definite.

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Do I still have time to bake a cake?

I need to get my hair done.

Slow news day today I suppose…there is absolutely nothing else going on worth mentioning anywhere

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Whoa whoa whoa six years? Let’s not make any hasty decisions here.


Let the power grab games begin —

Can you spell ARROGANT? The NYT can.

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Can he take Maureen Dowd with him?


Only a lot of one-percenters taking an industrial-grade asswhoopin’ in the market…but that’s boring, so how about we run something stupid in The Slice instead?


Oil prices are down over 4.5pct today.
The Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies slates lost at the Hugo Awards.
Ted Cruz launches a 50-state drive against PP
Donald Trump sez Keystone XL would have no impact on the environment.

And TPM chooses to tell us this…


With the way oil is getting raped lately, the Keystone Pipeline is a bad joke that I’m glad we avoided.

For that matter, Keystone night not even exist in a couple of years, as expensive as that Canadian oil is to extract.


This won’t work — Within the next 6 , they will raise the retirement age to 72 — We’ll have to endure this guy for another 8 ! —

The oil will still flow from Alberta to the US via Enbridge’s pipeline system, though in smaller quantities than when Brent crude sold for $70+/bbl (it’s under $44/bbl right now).