Discussion for article #231872
I’m loving this, especially after reading about repubs going after PA’s attorney general.
Edited to add, if either did anything wrong (without twisting the law into a pretzel), I support whatever happens to them.
“Federal investigators have been probing…”
If Petraeus hadn’t been probing Paula Broadwell, this entire thing could have been avoided. Too much damned probing going on around here.
It occurs to me that in the case of Kathleen Kane, if a grand jury leak is a criminal matter, then the Ferguson prosecutor needs to be likewise brought up on charges.
Republican response: "Petraeus told his FEMALE lover. At least he didn’t desanctify the institution of marriage with a MALE lover.
While I don’t condone what Petraeus did, let me make sure I’m clear on something:
Obama Admin Prosecution guidelines:
Minor leak of classified info w/o malicious intent and no evidence of harm done to national security = THROW THE BOOK AT HIM!
Torture, up to and including death resulting, and including people guilty only mistaken identity = LOOK FORWARD, NOT BACKWARD
Yup. But remember the similar guidelines from the Bush Administration -
- Torture people - “Didn’t happen, America doesn’t torture people”, even if the CIA occasionally enhancedly interrogates somebody to death.
- Leak identity of CIA spy Valerie Plame - What, we didn’t see anything. Oh, I guess we’ll slap Scooter Libby on the wrist.
- Leak anything the Administration didn’t want leaked? Throw the book at them.
It looks like “The Little General” was the one making the decisions here if you get my drift, and I think you do. Considering that the episode thwarted the political career of someone that would likely be a neocon-style war-monger, maybe we should leave things be and call it a “win.”
I know – but Bush didn’t make opposition to those priorities a centerpiece of his campaign the way Obama did.
“…FBI agents said they found classified material on Broadwell’s computer…”
Any of it have DNA?
Sounds like overzealous prosecutors being overzealous prosecutors. What else is new?
How do you come up with that analysis?
Probing’s always been around
All that’s different is how
Somebody soon will probe you
If no one’s probing you now
High in some silent sky
Probes record every sound
They make someone’s ears buzz happily by
Probes make the world go round
Probing’s always been around
Only thing different now:
Is if no one’s probing you right this minute
One’s bound to come soon, and how
What a phucking idiotic remark!
You’re right, Bush couldn’t have “made opposition to those priorities a centerpiece of his campaign,” because when he ran the 1st time, he hadn’t started a war built on lies and everything that came with it!!
My Oh My. I’m sure Senator McCain and Lindsay G will get to the bottom of this !!! BENGHAZI!!!
I don’t see that. Quite the opposite. I don’t know how a prosecutor could look at the evidence of this case and not raise the question of prosecution…she clearly received her classified information from him, and did so because of their tryst. How are there not violations of the law involved?
And given that he was head of the CIA, perhaps the person that has the greatest responsibility to protect secrets in this country, was either whispering them into his mistress’s ear as pillow talk, or was giving her an all access pass to his emails littered with top secret intel. If we aren’t going to prosecute someone in that position for leaking, it become comical to prosecute anyone else down stream.
McCain (R - Angerzona), Graham (R- Closet)?
It’s hard out there for a biographer…
I guess we should expect Darrell Issa and his crack team of investigators to look into this immediately . . . . .