Robber barons redux. Pretty close to a state of nature situation at this point.
Good. Now will NYT do the same kind of report about Trump? Or is he still protected by NYT?
A grift nipped in the bud so to speak…
The robber baroness is in the White house! The robber baron heads the Senate! Let the pilfering of state treasures begin…
We are in a full time warp when the Chinese government is more ethical than this republican maladministration.
Say what you will, she and her hubby are a perfect fit for each other.
I’m frankly astonished that the trip was canceled. I wasn’t aware that there were any pockets of ethical behavior left in this administration.
Maybe it’s the way Trump lives for the spotlight and actually cares what’s said about him, but even while committing astonishing improprieties all the livelong day they still seem to care at least a little, sometimes, about the appearance of impropriety. They’ll boot Price, boot Zinke, that kind of thing. It’s weird.
But yeah, we need to do a regime change in Venezuela because it’s all corrupt and rotten.
Wow! One of Spankee’s cabinet members trying to (ab)use her position for the enrichment of her (family’s) business interest???
Well, color me surprised and shocked…!!!
No, no, no, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick – it’s not corrupt and rotten enough in the right way!!!
This was suppose to be held in Oct. 2017, so I’m guessing here that the full frontal gaslighting hadn’t reached full saturation.
Another Trump cabinet member with an ethics problem, who could have seen that coming?
To do that they’d have to close down the Whitewater desk. Never happen.
She and her hubby deserve each other. I hope that additional investigation will conclusively uncover the undoubtedly illegal deal-making she engaged in for her own interests and those of friends and family and that she is prosecuted in both state and federal court so Trump’s pardon can’t free her.
Btw, has the spouse if a Senate Majority leader or anyone in Congressional leadership ever concurrently served in the cabinet of a president? It sheds more light on why McConnell doesn’t worry much about separation of powers.
I doubt they ever have.
Mitch McConnell responded, “Deport her, she’s an immigrant!”
While Mr. Trump (and family) obviously seems to view the presidency as a money making operation, he takes a very dim view of his cabinet secretaries (His employees, as he see it…) attempting to enrich themselves at government expense.