Discussion: NYT Editorial: Mitch McConnell Has 'Lost Touch With Reality And The Constitution'

This entire thing is a gamble. He’s betting that it will turn out more angry disaffected white people to vote Republican than it will disaffected liberals of all races. People like McConnell fundraise off of being denounced by the Times. For those people, getting denounced by the NYT is a critical milestone on the road to victory.

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If the GOP changed its tactics to 1) appeal to the more moderate Republican voters . . . they’d presumably lose some rabid votes without any guarantee that they’d actually pick up moderate votes. So 2) appeasing the rabid base . . . is what they’ll do, so as not to lose those votes.

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Like Scalia I’m so looking forward to reading McConnell’s obit.


Until the GOP pay the price for this unprecedented behavior, they will continue. Somehow they will convince their rubes that this is the fault of the D’s.

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The only problem is so far they are out polling Democrats in the primaries. Come the general we have to GOTV.

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McConnell doesn’t care. His behavior clearly shows how racist he is all these years. He is going to let that … do his job. He really is just out and out racist!

McConnell fundraising email in 3, 2, 1 …

The Senate doesn’t matter.

The Constitution only requires the President to seek the “advice and consent” of the Senate. He retains the power to appoint.

So, if the Senate refuses to advise and/or consent, or even if the Senate votes not to consent, the President need only empathize with their distress, and then appoint anyone he wants.

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Is this Seditious behavior? Treason? Do the people have the right to act if the House won’t act? Who can impeach a sitting Senator? They have signed a letter to Iran directly interfering, now meeting behind closed doors to plot their intentions to not carry out their Constitutional duties. If Obama were to refuse they would begin impeachment proceedings. Why do we the people have to stand aside and watch this attempted show of disrespect for the office and it’s holder.

This was one of the men who got together and conspired with other elected officials to subvert the Government the night after Obama was elected in 2008. They have gotten away with it, unchecked, for EIGHT YEARS. Now then, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG to figure all this out NYT?
If you had been on the job in 2008, MAYBE his would be a better Nation now.

I’ve been wondering about the younger voters. I’m 71 and basically live in a cave with little contact with people younger that 50. I’d expect their behavior is similar in some ways to mine when I was young but, because of technology, vastly different in many ways. So, is it possible that some of the young people we see supporting evil conservative Presidential candidates understand how sacrificing participation in the Democratic primary will help the Republicans put forth the biggest and greatest loser in Presidential elections?

Finally, conservatives can correctly state “We built that!”

By blocking the confirmation hearing and vote for a Supreme Court nominee, Senator McConnell is violating his oath to support the US Constitution. He is a threat to the United States and should be impeached. Senators who follow his lead should also be impeached.

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