Good luck, Miss Turtle. You ain’t gonna be Majority Leader anymore when there ain’t no GOP Majority ever again.
Well at least McConnell has done the impossible … he’s made Michel Bachmann sound like a constitutional scholar.
Every time I want to disagree with your opinion, I read about what I would call “la locura del partido democrata”
Including a BLM story I read to-day.
en serio
In addition to what other commenters have said, the NYT is talking to the nation and the nation is listening. People across the country read the Times. So what the Times thinks about McConnell does matter.
Last night in the “most read/most emailed” section at the bottom of the online NYT there were three articles with headlines crowing about Biden’s speech. I know one of those did not include the fact that Biden was calling for cooperation between exec and legislature as a solution to the partisan rancor and I’ll bet the other two were the same. The MSM including the NYT is getting great false equivalency mileage from that out of context snippet cut from a ninety minute speech even if the NYT editorial board then denounces McConnell after it’s own reporters contribute to the decay of American journalism.
Shorter McConnell: How dare President Obama do his job!
This one is just too simple to understand, though. I’ll be honest – I follow politics closely but I always get hopelessly confused when it comes to the fillibuster thing. Vote to bring cloture to end debate to overcome objection to move legislation from committee to… It’s all down in the weeds detail stuff. This one’s simple: Article II, section 1 says the president’s term is four years. Article II, section 2 says he makes the SCOTUS nomination. The American public understands the process and the GOP can’t spin their way into the public not understanding it.
Brave enough? More probably they would lose their next election if they didn’t.
Darrell Issa is actually encouraging military officers to disobey President Obama’s plans( actually the Pentagon’s plan) to close Guantanamo Bay prison camp. As with the letter to Iran and the invitation for Netanyahu to speak before Congress this is rank sedition. Hopefully this will all work out ala the Malhauer Refuge.
Mitch McConnell is lower than bathroom scum for saying shit like that. I mean, seriously, how in the hell could anyone even come up with saying that the sitting president is causing “bitter struggle” simply by doing his job? We are eleven months away from a new president is worn in. It irks me so with how the Republicans–nearly ALL of them–have so disrespected President Obama … from Day One through to today.
Unless the “shit” is still in the news and on the front burner every day, every week, every month during that eight months as this will be. This is a BFD, a bridge to far that McConnell has crossed and the Dems will continue to hammer on it until the majority leader folds. No matter how incompetent you feel the Dems messaging machine is, this issue is one they can use to hammer the intransigent GOP into tiny pieces. McConnell has placed his people in a position of gross dereliction of duty and that message will be broadcast daily by the Dems.
A Naval metaphor.
The MSM is a bunch of minesweepers for the GOP.
Yes, this. And this one has the added benefit of it generating its own news. Every 4-4 decision that will be handed down this summer will bring it right back into the news cycle. Every presidential debate will be guaranteed to have questions about it from the moderators. Every Senate challenger will be including it in their campaign ads this fall. And, of course, it’ll really help when President Obama calls an extraordinary session this summer since that will definitely guarantee it won’t be 8+ months old when people pull the lever in November.
Now is the Bezos/Hiatt run neo-con Washington Post going to take a similar stance?
And I hope the good guys manage to keep it “in the news and on the front burner every day, every week, every month during that eight months”.
I just don’t have confidence that that will happen because the Democrats are weak and terrible at messaging.
But we’ll see.
And from the editorial: "It was also “preposterous” for McConnell to say President Barack Obama was “causing a ‘bitter struggle’ by nominating someone” to the Supreme Court, they wrote.
Can you at least try not to be so black? You are making McConnell and GOPers crazy with your in-our-faces blackness. Much worse than the out of the closet and in-our-faces gays.
We are but simple white supremacists with near grade school educations.
McConnell is really boxed into a corner here. In the alternate universe created by talk radio and Fox News, the GOP has been a rubber stamp for Obama over the years and the base idiots are angry. Hence the rise of Trump and Cruz. McConnell needs to block this nomination or the crazies will go apoplectic.
This is another clear sign that the monster the GOP created has turned on its master. McConnell is playing the “appease the monster” card and that seems like his least worst option. It seems inevitable, though, that at some point the GOP is going to have to stop feeding the beast and face reality.
Can you at least try not to be so black? You are making McConnell and GOPers crazy with your in-our-faces blackness. Much worse than the out of the closet and in-our-faces gays.
We are but simple white supremacists with near grade school educations.
Spot on!!!
One would think. But at the same time, given that he’s doing this as part of a gamble that it will motivate more disaffected Republicans who might otherwise have sat out the election than disaffected Democrats who ditto, an official denunciation by of the Paper of Record is proof of his bone fides and the righteousness of his actions.